XXXIX CICLO | Spadanuda Giusy


PhD student in Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods – Curriculum “Economics and agro-food policy”

Cicle: XXXIX

Tutor: Luca Cacchiarelli, Francesca Giarè

Thesis title: Policies against illegal work and caporalato: effects on the agricultural sector and complementarity with the CAP 2023-2027

Email: giusy.spadanuda@unitus.it

Curriculum Vitae

  • Personal profile and research interests

    My academic background in International Economics, is complemented by practical experience gained through my work in public administration, specifically in the active employment policy sector. During my study, I have been particularly interested in the link between labour economics, gender difference and social justice, and in the recent years, I have been a part of social initiatives that promote worker rights, as I strong belief in the social sustainability and in the potential for policies change.

  • PhD project

    The phenomenon of illegal labour and caporalato has been widely studied within the context of labour economics and the literature identifies caporalato as a form of modern slavery particularly in the agricultural sector. 

    Multiple studies and reports focused on the driving factors of illegal labour, although if their atttempt is often not linked to the dimension of business. 

    This project aims to identify patterns in the use of illegal labour linked to the business characteristics (such as size, revenue, market influence, geographical position, type of product) and investigate how business networks and supply chains contribute to or mitigate the prevalence of illegal labour contracts.