XXXVII CICLO | Ricciardi Gabriella


PhD student in Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods Curriculum: Economia Circolare, Collaborativa e Sostenibile


Tutor: Prof.ssa Anna Carbone, presso l’Università degli Studi della Tuscia; Dott.ssa Raffaella Di Napoli, presso il CREA – Centro di ricerca Politiche e Bioeconomia.

Thesis title:

1) Tematiche generali: Valorizzazione di modelli di sviluppo territoriale sostenibili attraverso le politiche di sviluppo rurale europee

Email: gabriella.ricciardi@unitus.it

Curriculum Vitae


  • Personal profile and research interests

    Degree in “Law” at the University of Palermo (2005), she has qualified to the legal profession (2008) and has a master’s degree in Management and Reporting of European Projects (2010). Expert in rural development policies. Currently working at CREA-PB, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy.

    She does research in Rural Development, Community-based local development (LEADER approach), Social Farming, Smart Villages, Agricultural Economics, Circular economy.

  • PhD project

    The PhD research project focused on “action-research” to exploit sustainable spatial development models through European rural development policies. This is a more structured and advanced form of participatory research conducted through the involvement of the survey community in the process of defining, collecting and analysing qualitative data and information.

    The field of investigation is mainly circular economy projects implemented through the LEADER approach. The approach promoted by LAGs through their Local Development Strategies (LDT) should in fact aim at creating “circular territories”, able to incorporate the principles of the circular economy and to promote a productive, urban and social regenerative system, based on development schemes focused on the optimization of quality and quantity of resources.

    The objective of the thesis is to identify conditions that can stimulate LAGs and local development actors in strategic planning of circular economy interventions, in view of the interest explicitly shown for the first time in the LEADER approach section of the CAP Strategic Plan (PSP).

  • Publications

    Ricciardi G., Di Napoli R. (a cura di) (2021). I GAL in azione nella politica di sviluppo rurale 2014-2022. Il repertorio dei progetti e delle buone pratiche Leader, Documento realizzato nell’ambito del Programma Rete Rurale Nazionale 2014-20, Piano di azione biennale 2021-23 – Scheda progetto Ente 19.1 Data: Dicembre 2021, ISBN 9788833851846 (https://www.reterurale.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/23612) 

    Ricciardi G., Camaioni B., Di Napoli R., Lai M. (2022). Rural Pact, al via il percorso partecipativo per la Visione a lungo termine per le zone rurali dell’UE, in PianetaPSR numero 115 luglio/agosto 2022 (http://www.pianetapsr.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/2782)

    Ricciardi G. (2022), Riuso del sughero in biomassa. Il sughero tra tradizione, innovazione, efficientamento energetico e sostenibilità ambientale – Approfondimento. Economia circolare: Syfar S.r.l., un caso di eccellenza nel settore siciliano del sughero – Il Focus, in Rete Rurale Nazionale, dicembre 2022 (https://www.reterurale.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/25108) 

    Ricciardi G. (2023), Smart Village come comunità energetiche: tre esperienze a confronto, in Rete Rurale Magazine n. 17 “Smart Village”, ISSN 2532-8115 (https://www.reterurale.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/24970 ) 

    Di Napoli R., Piacentino D., Ricciardi G., Tosi S. (2024). A Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas: The Two Italies. SR SCIENZE REGIONALI, 10(1), 640-658 [DOI 10.1080/21681376.2023.2225569]. (https://iris.unipa.it/handle/10447/634815)