XXXVI CICLO | Basset Francesco


PhD student in Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods – Curriculum “Economics and agro-food policy”

Cicle: XXXVI

Tutor: Francesca Giarè, Saverio Senni

Thesis title: Methodological approaches to evaluating the impacts of Social Farming

Email: Francesco.basset@unitus.it

Curriculum Vitae


  • Personal profile and research interests

    Researcher with a strong background in agricultural and environmental economics, specializing in civil economics. My academic journey includes a Bachelor’s in Environmental and Development Economics, a Ph.D. in Management Economics, and advanced courses in civil economics and impact evaluation. My research focuses on the sustainability of agricultural practices, particularly Social Farming. Currently, I am working on bioeconomics and agroecology, with an emphasis on biomass reuse in agriculture.

  • PhD project

    Project Title:
    Methodological Approaches to Evaluating the Impacts of Social Farming
    Social agriculture is a sustainable practice that promotes social, environmental, and economic goals, enhancing community well-being. However, a lack of systematic evaluation tools hinders understanding its impact on sustainability and rural development. This project aims to develop and test an innovative methodology to assess social agriculture’s impact on stakeholders, including users, communities, organizations, and the environment.
    Research Objectives:
    1. Develop a comprehensive methodology to quantify social farming impacts.
    2. Test the methodology’s adaptability using various tools.
    3. Investigate social farming’s role in sustainability and welfare, linked to SDG targets.
    4. Highlight social and environmental impacts through monetary quantification.
    The project employs Social Return on Investment (SROI), SWOT Analysis, Business Model Canvas, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and PRISMA methodology across diverse social farming projects. Data will be collected through interviews, surveys, and secondary analysis.
    Expected Outcomes:
    • Validated methodology for evaluating social farming.
    • Quantitative data on social, environmental, and economic impacts.
    • Insights into social farming’s contribution to SDGs.
    • Policy recommendations for improving social farming practices.
    This project provides a rigorous evaluation framework with significant policy implications, helping to optimize and expand social farming’s impact on both local and global scales.

  • Publications

    The sustainability of social farming: a study through the Social Return on Investment methodology (SROI) (Published in Rivista di economia agraria (REA), 2021) Francesco Basset & Francesca Giarè. Doi:10.36253/rea-13096

    La valutazione degli impatti sociali: lo SROI (Published in Rapporto ISTISAN 22/9 – Agricoltura sociale: i processi, 2022) Francesco Basset. https://www.iss.it/-/rapporti-istisan-22/9-agricoltura-sociale-processi-pratiche-e-riflessioni-per-l-innovazione-sociosanitaria.-a-cura-di-marta-borgi-angela-genova-barbara-collacchi-francesca-cirulli

    The Evaluation of Social Farming through Social Return on Investment: A Review (Published in Sustainability, 2023). Francesco Basset. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/15/4/3854

    Agricoltura sociale quale opportunità per creare lavoro nelle aree rurali fragili. (Published in Pianeta PSR, 2023) Francesco Basset, Patrizia Borsotto, Francesca Giarè, Fabio Muscas, Gabriella Ricciardi. http://www.pianetapsr.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/2915

    La valutazione dell’Agricoltura Sociale (Report published in Rete Rurale Nazionale, 2023) Francesca Giarè, Francesco Basset.

    L’agricoltura sociale in Italia e il contributo della politica di sviluppo rurale. (Report published in Rete Rurale Nazionale, 2023) Patrizia Borsotto, Rita Iacono, Francesca Giarè, Antonio Papaleo, Francesco Basset, Gabriella Ricciardi, Fabio Muscas, Michela Ascani e Marinella Paci