XXXVIII CICLO | Corrado Angela


PhD student in Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods


Tutor: Prof. Vincenzo Sforza

Thesis title: Innovazione contabile, cambiamento organizzativo e rafforzamento della governance nelle amministrazioni pubbliche alla luce del sistema unico di contabilità economico-patrimoniale accrual: una sfida possibile?

Email: angela.corrado@unitus.it

Curriculum Vitae


  • Personal profile and research interests

    The research, after an analysis of the literature, is based on the design of empirical analysis with reference to the Italian hospital companies, the analysis of the background of reference at macro, meso and micro levels related to the national health system, the financing system, supply evolution, PNRR actions, programming documents, accounting information systems, performance analysis on the new PIAO, reporting models and public value measurement criticalities. It also focuses on sustainability and corporate social responsibility through an analysis from business models to public administrations.

  • PhD project

    The research project, which is mainly based on the reform of public accounting for the improvement of services to the community, focuses on the analysis of public administration planning and control systems in specific contexts. Considering the reform that in our country has recently introduced the PIAO, containing sections dedicated to the design of measures to create public value and the corresponding performance drivers at organizational and individual level, Focus on an experimental analysis of SSN.

    The healthcare companies’ environment was chosen as it is the most advanced in the public administration landscape. The expectation is therefore to find elements which may prove useful for the future application of ITAS accounting standards (reform 1.15 of the PNRR) to national public administrations.