XXXVIII CICLO | Bruno Alessandro


PhD student in Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods – Curriculum “Economia circolare, collaborativa e sostenibile”


Tutor: Prof. Alessandro Ruggieri e Prof. Stefano Poponi

Thesis title: Circolarità nel settore delle costruzioni. Un modello di gestione dei rifiuti da C&D.

Email: alessandro.bruno@unitus.it

Curriculum Vitae


  • Personal profile and research interests

    I have a master’s degree in marketing and a background experience as consultant in quality, environmental and safety management systems, mostly gained by working with building companies and aggregate producers. For this reason, I grew a strong interest in the construction and demolition waste field. My objective is to improve the circularity of this sector by studying organizational and managerial solutions.

  • PhD project

    Construction and demolition are a high impact activity from environmental and economic point of view, which exponentially attracted the attention of researcher and practitioner, especially from 2017.
    Circular economy practices can help to mitigate the impact of construction and demolition activity, especially if a multidisciplinary approach is adopted.
    My project aims at increasing the circularity of the construction and demolition activity by creating a management system that, along with a set of indicators and best practices, will allow the companies that operate in this sector to lower their impact and improve their performance.
    The management system will also have the objective to boost the Industrial Symbiosis potential networking that emerges in this sector but is not formalised yet, by attracting other waste producers or other companies that seek secondary raw materials.
    Finally, this project aims to identify critical issues in the current regulatory system.

    Ports generate significant material flows due to economic activities and infrastructure developments. Effective material use management can prevent substantial waste streams, while ports can also support resource management, contributing to the development of greener industries. Benefiting from the geographic proximity of co-located industries and support from port authorities, seaports are ideal for promoting industrial symbiosis, facilitating economies of scale and scope, crossing sectoral boundaries, and fostering stakeholder engagement.

    The research objective is to map material flows in La Spezia port area as a case study, to hypothesize synergies between economic activities and to explore how sustainable and circular waste management in the port area adds value to the region and the local community.