XXXIX CICLO | Ceccarelli Valentina


PhD student in Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods – Curriculum “Economia circolare, collaborativa e sostenibile

Cicle: XXXIX

Supervisor: Giulio Guarini

Thesis title: Sviluppo umano sostenibile e transizione energetica

Email: valentina.ceccarelli@unitus.it

Curriculum Vitae

  • Personal profile and research interests

    Valentina Ceccarelli, born on 22nd April 1996, studied at the University of Tuscia. She obtained a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a master’s in Administration, Finance, and Control on 15th February 2023. During her master’s, she studied at the University of Warsaw in the Erasmus+ Program. She is a PhD candidate in Economics, Management and Quantitative Method.
    She is very curious, and her passion is analysing economic data. Her research is about energy transition. In particular, she focuses on the social dimension of energy transition, considering both firms and households.

  • PhD project

    Her research is about energy transition. She is interested in measuring and estimating energy poverty in Italy. She is also trying to investigate how to mitigate the effects of climate change. Renewable energy is one of the key elements of energy transformation, but it requires collaboration among different institutions, firms, and households. Networking and cooperation are crucial for technological development. Her research considers the quantitative and qualitative effects of energy transition.

  • Publications

    Ceccarelli, V., Correani, L. & Morganti, P. Heterogeneity and geographical location in Italian Business Networks. J. Ind. Bus. Econ. (2024) https://doi.org/10.1007/s40812-024-00303-6
    Sito web pubblicazione: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40812-024-00303-6