XXXVII CICLO | Martignani Federica


PhD student in Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods


Tutor: Prof. Alessandro Sorrentino

Thesis title: Exploring Italian farmers’ participation in eco-schemes: a discrete choice experiment

Email: federica.martignani@unitus.it

Curriculum Vitae


  • Personal profile and research interests

    I’m really passionate about evaluating public policies. With particular interest in agri-food policies. I have a background in cooperation and territorial development with greater attention to agriculture. During my PhD, I expanded this interest by studying new methodologies such as the application of econometric tools. I love working in teams I think this is the way research should be conducted.

  • PhD project

    The field of my research project is the evaluation of policies in the agricultural sector, with particular attention to the evaluation of eco-schemes, novelties of the new Common Agricultural Policy. Econometric tools are used for the analysis.
    A first part of the research project aims to analyze how the new eco-schemes that are configured in the CAP 2023-27.
    The second part of the research aims to identify, thanks to a discrete choice experiment, which type of farmer prefers to join eco-schemes. Using a data-based approach, this part aims to contribute to the understanding of the factors that influence participation in eco-schemes, offering a new perspective that integrates traditional economic theories.