XXXVII CICLO | Biagetti Elisa


PhD student in Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods – Curriculum “Economics and agro-food policy”


Tutor: Prof. Silvio Franco

Thesis title: Economia e politica dell’ambiente e delle risorse naturali, Politiche per il settore agro-alimentare – Il bilancio ecologico in agricoltura: opportunità e vincoli per la valorizzazione economica delle performance ambientali nel settore agroalimentare

Email: elisa.biagetti@unitus.it

Curriculum Vitae


  • Personal profile and research interests

    Graduated in 2021 in Marketing and Quality at the University of Tuscia. Currently PhD student in the third year of the Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods, curriculum Agrifood, at the same University. I  am  working on  a  research project on  environmental sustainability assessment, concerning the agricultural sector in Italy.

    In 2023, after a period abroad, a collaboration was established with the University of Aveiro (Portugal) on an analysis of agricultural sustainability in Portugal, with the preparation of a paper still under review and near publication, which has further expanded the territorial scope of the evaluation.

  • PhD project

    This research aims to arrive at an overall assessment of the environmental sustainability of two specific crops of the Italian agricultural system and to analyze the relationships between environmental and economic performance both at national and regional level. This evaluation will be based on the definition of sustainability, called “strong”, which finds its theoretical basis in the paradigm of the Ecological Economy. To achieve this general objective, a regional Ecological Balance will be developed, which is the result of the difference between the consumption of natural resources by agricultural activities, expressed by the Ecological Footprint (EF) indicator, and the supply of natural capital by agricultural land, as expressed by the Biocapacity (BC) indicator.

    The aim will be to compare the economic and environmental performance of regional agricultural systems, and for regions with an unsustainable agricultural system in a strong sense, the possibility will be found to develop, through (neo)The classical

    approach of environmental economics, a weak sustainability assessment, comparing the economic capital generated by the regional agricultural sector with the value of lost natural capital, appropriately converted into monetary terms.

    As a last step, the results obtained at regional level will be aggregated to arrive at the definition of a synthetic assessment of the sustainability of Italian agriculture and its interpretation in light of the economic dimension of the productive sector.

  • Publications

    1.FrancoS., Bez B., BiagettiE.(2021).La natura transdisciplinare fra economia ed ecologia del concetto di sostenibilità, in Castiglione O., D’Urso S, (ed), La dimensione multidisciplinare della sostenibilità, Tab Edizioni, Roma, pag.151- 180 (ISBN 978- 88-


    1. Martella A., Biagetti E., Ferrucci D. (2021). Sostenibilità in agricoltura: valutare e certificare  i  sistemi  produttivi  con  l’Impronta  Ecologica.  Rivista  di  Agraria (www.rivistadiagraria.org), n.345, 1/06/2021 (ISSN 1970-2639). https://www.rivistadiagraria.org/articoli/anno-2021/sostenibilita-agricoltura-valutare- certificare-sistemi-produttivi-limpronta-ecologica/
    2. Martella A., La Porta I.M., Nicastro M., Biagetti E., Franco S. (2023). Ecological

    Balance of Agri-Food Supply Chains—The Case of the Industrial Tomato, Sustainability, 15 (10), 7846. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/15/10/7846

    1. Biagetti E., Pancino B., Martella A., La Porta I.M., Cicatiello C., De Gregorio T.,

    Franco S. (2023). Is Hazelnut Farming Sustainable? An Analysis in the Specialized

    Production          Area          of          Viterbo,          Sustainability,         15          (13),


    1. Biagetti E., Gislon G., Martella A., Zucali M., Bava L., Franco S., Sandrucci A. (2023). Comparison of the use of life cycle assessment and ecological footprint methods for evaluating environmental performances in dairy production, Science of The Total Environment, 905, 166845. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969723054700
    2. Biagetti E., Gislon G., Martella A., Zucali M., Bava L., Franco S., Sandrucci A. (2023). Analisi del ciclo di vita vs Impronta ecologica: quali sono le differenze? Ruminantia,       https://www.ruminantia.it/analisi-del-ciclo-di-vita-       vs-impronta-


    1. Biagetti, E., Martella, A., De Gregorio, T., Pancino, B. and Franco, S. (2023). The environmental sustainability of hazelnut cultivation in Italy. Acta Hortic. 1379, 517-
    2.       DOI:       10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1379.75       https://www.ishs.org/ishs- article/1379_75