Student Office

The Student Office handles the administrative management of student careers from matriculation to graduation. It is the reference structure to contact for general administrative information, career control and changes, fees, certificates.

For all educational information (class schedule, faculty reception, study plans, educational offerings etc.) you can contact the Didactic Secretariat of your degree program. The contact details of the Didactic Secretariats can be found on the web page of each Department.



– e-mail (for non-enrolled students indicate first name, last name and telephone number; for enrolled students it is recommended to use the institutional email indicating first name, last name and student number in order to uniquely identify the student, speeding up response time);

front office (Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and Tuesday afternoon from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.) Appointments can be made by writing to segreteriastudenti@unitus.it

telephone (Student Secretariat phone lines, numbers 0761357043, 0761357798, 0761357793, 0761357646, 0761357486, 0761357487, 0761357485 are open for the public every day from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.)

Virtual counter (active for video call appointments). It is possible to request an appointment by writing to our email address segreteriastudenti@unitus.it






Via Santa Maria in Gradi, 4 – 01100 – Viterbo



segreteriastudenti@unitus.it For general information and assistance.


soge@unitus.it To obtain information regarding enrollments/registrations for the following degree courses: Ex S.O.Ge. (course being phased out), Political Science and International Relations (L-36), Political Science, International Security, and Public Communication (LM-62), active agreements, PA 110 agreement, and honors.


corsisingoli@unitus.it To obtain information regarding individual courses.


certificati@unitus.it Students can write to request specific certificates, and public and private entities can write to request confirmation of self-certifications.


rimborsi@unitus.it To obtain information about the status of refund requests made by students on the Gomp portal.








0761357043 > Francesco Maugeri (DIBAF, DISTU) fmaugeri@unitus.it


0761357486 > Luigina Bernabucci (ALLIEVI SCUOLA ESERCITO, MASTER, EX SOGE)       lbernabucci@unitus.it


0761357487 > Maria Grazia Mustica (L-36, LM-62, EX-SOGE, SCUOLE ALLIEVI AERONAUTICA, TRASFERIMENTI IN USCITA) mgmustica@unitus.it


0761357798 > Alessandro Cruciani (DAFNE, DISUCOM, EX DISBEC, CICLO UNICO RESTAURO) acruciani@unitus.it


0761357793 > Roberto Mancini (DEIM, DEB) rmancini@unitus.it


0761357646 > Giuseppina Fiorentini (RINUNCE, CORSI SINGOLI) fiorentini@unitus.it


0761357485 > Roberto Capoccioni (RESPONSABILE UFFICIO) r.capoccioni@unitus.it



segreteria studenti unitus


Segreteria Studenti Unitus