European and global markets law. Crisis, rights, regulation

  • Course


  • Area

    Social Sciences

  • Department

    Linguistic-Literary, Historical-Philosophical, and Legal Studies

  • Duration

    3 years

  • Language


The Doctoral Program in “Law of European and Global Markets: Crisis, Rights, Regulation” offers high-level training in the legal sciences applied to the study of economic regulation. The focus of the educational path is mainly on the public and private aspects that regulate individual exchange relationships, the economy, and markets, including in their sanctioning effects and the phenomenon of internationalization and Europeanization of law.

It aims to ensure training that develops research skills and a critical spirit in the various scientific areas it encompasses. Its purpose is to provide high-level preparation, in content and in fundamental methodologies, characteristic of the legal sciences applied to the study of economic regulation.

  • Objectives

    The training course for doctoral students aims to provide highly qualified training in the fundamental contents and methodologies proper to the legal sciences applied to the study of the regulation of the economy. The training objectives of the course aim to provide a body of knowledge that combines the more properly technical skills of the various legal disciplines with the cultural dimension of the legal phenomenon in its historical evolution and in the comparison between legal systems and institutions. Particular attention is devoted to arousing and cultivating doctoral students’ sensitivity to the interdisciplinary aspects of the legal analysis of the economy and to the phenomenon of the internationalization and Europeanization of law.
    The research topics are identified in such a way as to ensure that doctoral students can jointly develop their interests in theoretical-dogmatic scientific investigations and appropriate awareness of current legally relevant socio-political issues, so as to acquire the indispensable tools for in-depth study of the legal institutes of economics and markets in the perspective of both possible continuation of research activity and the commitment to which legal practitioners are called in the 21st century.


    With the aim of balancing specific learning objectives with transversal ones, courses of excellence on broad and transversal topics are provided, which are articulated in frontal meetings, preceded by the selection of material that doctoral students are called upon to deepen, in order to be able to play the role of discussant and/or actively participate in the debate that follows the lessons.

    Doctoral students periodically submit the progress of their research to the evaluation of the Board of Teachers, through quarterly verification meetings. At the end of each year, the training paths of doctoral students are part of the overall evaluation of the Board of Teachers based on which to decide the passage of the year.

    All doctoral students also carry out two colloquia (doctoral colloquia), respectively at the beginning and halfway through the third year, on their work in progress with two experts in their research topic. In case of admission to the exit procedure, the two experts are then appointed as evaluators of the thesis for admission to the final examination. This practice anticipates by a year – and therefore deepens – the dialogue between evaluators and doctoral students, puts evaluators in the best conditions to express their judgments “before it is too late” and doctoral students in the best conditions to make use of them, i.e., before the thesis is concluded.

    Doctoral students are called upon to acquire the scientific research method, engaging, in addition to the drafting of the thesis, in the production of minor publications and active participation in seminars and conferences, as well as in the self-management of certain activities, under the supervision of the Board of Teachers.

    All doctoral students with scholarships are required to carry out at least one call for papers during the three years.

    Doctoral students, under the supervision of the Board of Teachers, are involved in some orientation activities in high schools through the creation of multimedia content to be made available on the University’s internet and social media pages, simulated processes, and other forms of so-called “role play”.

    In particular, for this last purpose, the “Game of Rights” and “Pills of Rights” projects are noteworthy: a series of seminars and videos focusing on legally relevant topics drawn from everyday life or from major news events. This type of activity, preceded by a series of simulations with the teachers of the Board, allows doctoral students to build scientifically sound and effective public presentations in terms of dissemination, manage the question time, and deal with the technical requirements of video recording of their interventions.

    Doctoral students are also required to carry out research periods abroad, participate in international seminars and European and international research projects, and are involved in scientific collaborations with European and international universities.

  • Employment prospects

  • Admission requirements

  • Contacts



    Administrative manager


    Educational structure

    DISTU complesso San Carlo, via San Carlo 32

    • Tel: 0761357842


    Course quality assurance group

  • Faculty board

    Members of the doctoral board in European and global market law: crisis, rights, regulation




    Businesses and public administrations representatives

  • Call for applications

    >  Call for applications and Enrollment instructions here.

  • Results and Rankings

  • Research Themes

  • Course catalog

    Corso di eccellenza “Diritto ed efficienza”

    • VI. 2 ottobre 2023: Efficienza e giustizia civile

    Moderatore: Gina Gioia

    Relatori: Massimo Montanari (Università di Parma); Giovanni Tuzet (Università Bocconi); Barbara Giovanna Bello (Università della Tuscia); Riccardo Gualdo (Università della Tuscia); Francesco Oddi (Presidente del Tribunale di Viterbo); Giovanni Acerboni (L’Ink Scrittura professionale); Carlo Vittorio Giabardo (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima)

    • V. 11 maggio 2023: Efficienza e diritto commerciale

    Moderatore: Ermanno La Marca

    Relatori: Carlo Angelici (Università La Sapienza); Marco Ventoruzzo (Università Bocconi)

    • IV. 14 aprile 2023: L’efficienza e la pubblica amministrazione

    Moderatore: Stefano Battini

    Relatori: Riccardo Ursi (Università di Palermo); Efisio Gonario Espa (Consigliere esperto Cnel)

    • III. 23 marzo 2023: Efficienza del diritto penale, efficienza nel diritto penale

    Moderatore: Martina Galli

    Relatori: Tullio Padovani (Scuola superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa); Carlo Enrico Paliero (Università degli Studi di Milano)

    • II. 20 gennaio 2023: Efficienza e giustizia penale. Presentazione del volume “Giustizia per nessuno”, di Mitja Gialuz e Jacopo Della Torre

    Moderatore: Rosa Anna Ruggiero

    Relatori: Mitja Gialuz (Università degli Studi di Genova); Jacopo Della Torre( Università degli Studi di Genova); Giorgio Fidelbo (Presidente della Sesta Sezione penale della Cassazione); Carlo Sotis (Università della Tuscia)

    • I. 13 dicembre 2022: Efficienza e diritto

    Moderatore: Alberto Spinosa

    Relatori: Marco Sabbionetti (Università di Firenze); Francesco Saitto (Università La Sapienza)

    Altri seminari e convegni

    26 maggio 2023: Gli effetti collaterali delle scelte di criminalizzazione (Convegno organizzato da Martina Galli, in conclusione del progetto “Collateral Effects and Sustainability of Criminal Law: Enhancing Impact-Assessment Tools in Criminal Matters” – CESC, da lei coordinato).

    Moderatori: Carlo Sotis (UNITUS), Emanuela Fronza (UNIBO), Nicola Selvaggi (UNIRC e Ufficio Legislativo Ministero della Giustizia), Gaetana Morgante (S.S. Sant’Anna), Vittorio Manes (UNIBO)

    Relatori: Martina Galli (UNITUS), Laura Clemenzi (UNITUS), Flavio Petrocelli (UNITUS), Nicola Recchia (UNITS), Christoph Burchard (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) , Zelia Gallo (School of Law, King’s College London), Adán Nieto Martín (Universidad de Castilla la Mancha), Alessandra Galluccio (UNIMI), Paolo Caroli (UNITO), Emmanuele Penco (UNIGE), Andrea Merlo (UNIPA), Alessandra Santangelo (UNIBO), Nicola Maria Maiello (UNIBO), Nicolò Amore (UNIPI), Giuseppe Di Vetta (S.S. Sant’Anna), Emanuele Birritteri (LUISS), Davide Bianchi (UNITO)

    18-19 maggio 2023: Migrazioni, mercato del lavoro e welfare: quali sfide? (Incontro seminariale)

    Moderatori: Alessandro Bufalini; Daniela Vitiello

    Relatori: Maurizio Ambrosini (Università di Milano); Madia D’Onghia (Università di Foggia); Nicola Coniglio (Università di Bari); Veronica Federico (Università di Firenze)

    12 maggio 2023: Installazione del modello di bussola dei possibili di Mireille Delmas-Marty da parte dell’artista Antonio Benincà

    Moderatore: Carlo Sotis

    Relatori: Michele Papa (Università di Firenze); Antonella Massaro (Roma Tre); Antonio Benincà

    7 dicembre 2022: Panorama della Giustizia in Brasile e strumenti di “degiurisdizionalizzazione” (Incontro seminariale)

    Relatore: Fabio Siebeneichler De Andrade (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasile)

    27 settembre 2022: Presentazione del Volume “L’era dell’Interlegalità”, di Edoardo Chiti, Alberto di Martino e Gianluigi Palombella

    Moderatore: Rosa Anna Ruggiero

    Relatori: Edoardo Chiti (Scuola superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa); Alberto di Martino (Scuola superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa); Gianluigi Palombella (Scuola superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa); Stefano Battini (Università della Tuscia); Barbara Giovanna Bello (Università della Tuscia); Serena Forlati (Università degli Studi di Ferrara); Carlo Sotis (Università della Tuscia)


    Doctoral Training in Law of European and Global Markets: Crisis, Rights, Regulation

    Training Program in Collaboration with Ordine degli avvocati di Viterbo – 2018

    Training Program in Collaboration with Ordine degli avvocati di Viterbo – 2017


Ginevra Brighina: ginevrabrighina99@gmail.com

Elena Cammarata: elena_cammarata@icloud.com

Franco Di Pede: francoxdipede@gmail.com

Valentina Falco: valentina.falco14@gmail.com

Tommaso Mazzetti di Pietralata: tommaso.mazzetti@outlook.it

Alessandro Paccione: alessandropaccione@gmail.com

Sergio Perrotta: perrotta.sergio1993@libero.it

Francesca Santarelli: fra.santarelli@libero.it

Elias Ticca: elias.ticca@studenti.unitus.it

Paolo Tosca: paolo.tosca@telecomitalia.it



Anna Bettoni: anna.bettoni@unitus.it

Valentina Bruni: v.bruni@trenitalia.it

Marusca Burla: maruscaburla@virgilio.it

Elena Ghi: elena22ghi@gmail.com

Cristina Milano: cristina.milano1997@outlook.com

Sofia Maria Lener: sofiamaria.lener@unitus.it

Leonardo Romanò: leonardo.romano@uni.lu

Lorenzo Ricci: lorenzori1997@gmail.com

Angelo Raffaele Salerno: angeloraffaele.salerno@outlook.it



Federica Ceccaroni: fd.ceccaroni@gmail.com

Raffaele Croce: raffaele.croce@hotmail.it

Francesco Maria Damosso: damossofrancescomaria@gmail.com

Andrea Della Casa: andreadellacasa88@yahoo.it

Raul Ferreira Belucio Nogueira: raulbelucio@gmail.com

Luca Fruscione: lucafruscione@gmail.com

Antonello Madeo: antonello.madeo@unitus.it

Seyedeh Sajedeh Salehi: seyedeh.sajedeh.salehi@vub.be