General Info


First Semester 8 SPS/04 ITA

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide the key concepts of political science, starting from the problem of the definition of matter itself, both in its historical manifestations, and above all because of the theoretical elements that constitute it. In this sense, the main methodological institutes of political science will be analyzed, the themes and research prospects that are at the heart of contemporary politics will be deepened: from parties to pressure groups, from electoral systems to the problems of political representation to the functioning of parliaments; from the transformations of democracy to the new challenges brought to it by populist movements and parties, from totalitarianism to the interactions between economy and politics in the logic of globalization.
In this sense, the educational objectives that the course pursues are:
- knowledge and understanding in Political science key-items;
- applying knowledge and understanding in Political science key-items;
- making judgements and critical comprehension of the principal nowadays political phenomena;
- implementation of communication skills in political items:
- implementation of learning skills.


First Semester 8 L-LIN/12 ITA

Learning objectives

The English Language and Translation Course for the first year of the degree course in Political Science and International Relations - for the Army Program - follows the suggestions contained in the SMD_FORM -004, the Directive for the assessment and certification of the language skills in the Military field, which, in turn, complies with the provisions regarding the standardization of the evaluation of the army language skills, following the STANAG 6001 revision (4th ed.). Therefore, it caters to students who already have basic knowledge of English and is aimed at developing specific skills at a pre-intermediate level (1 + / 2 Stanag level respectively) for active and passive skills in Military English. The course will focus on the development of reading and writing skills pertaining to communicative and specialist texts. At the end of the course, students will be able to give, ask and understand personal information, ask and answer questions about the work, tasks, and daily activities inside and outside of a military base as well as to report on past personal and professional life experiences. Although these skills won't be tasted during the final exam, their development won't be neglected during the course since language competence cannot be improved without an integrated and harmonious development of all the language skills.


First Semester 4 INF/01 ita

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide a solid knowledge of the basic concepts of cybersecurity and information security from a legal and regulatory point of view with an integrated approach that considers the transversality and interdisciplinarity that characterises the subject.
In terms of knowledge and understanding, also applied, the course will provide students with the tools to understand and analyse cyber threats in the light of international standards of reference and sector regulations.
In addition, in terms of the autonomy of judgement, the course aims to provide the ability to develop informed and autonomous assessments of the events in the field of cybersecurity, comparing them to the basic computer knowledge provided, to the technical regulations of the sector as well as the current legislative framework on the protection of critical infrastructures and the repression of cybercrime.
Regarding communication skills and learning ability, a specific objective of the course is to provide the correct vocabulary for arguing in the field of cybersecurity, as well as the ability to recall and deepen their knowledge in the future.

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First Semester 14 ICAR/20 ita
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Learning objectives

Methods and teaching of motor activities 1.

The Course in Methods and teaching of motor activities 1 (MDAM 1) aims to:
- improve the basic motor skills/abilities of the attendee in both terrestrial and aquatic environments;
- provide basic skills to "plan and conduct gymnastic sports activities at the Departments of employment".
These goals are pursued through practical lessons and during which theoretical explanations are also given on what is being achieved.
Carrying out "field work" not only improves the resistance skills:
- aerobic;
- prolonged effort;
- muscular;
- maximum effort concentrated over time,
but allows the attendee to personally experience the level of difficulty/fatigue in carrying out the training to which he/she will subsequently have to subject the personnel assigned to him/her to be trained in the sector.


Learning objectives

The course is meant to provide a good knowledge of the main political, social, economic, and cultural phenomena of contemporary history (since Belle Epoque until the end of the Cold War), in national, European and global perspective.

GROPUS First Semester 5 M-STO/04 ita

Learning objectives

Il Corso è finalizzato a fornire i concetti-chiave della Storia Militare italiana. Partendo dalla definizione di storia militare, si fissa il periodo di studio (dalla nascita dell’esercito italiano ai giorni nostri) e ci si sofferma sull’importanza delle fonti e del revisionismo storiografico. Si pone, preliminarmente, l’accento sull’analisi del pensiero di due grandi studiosi di arte militare (Antoine Henrì Jomini e Carl von Clausewitz), quindi si analizzano dal punto di vista storico-militare tutti gli eventi militari che hanno visto protagonista l’esercito italiano nel periodo contemporaneo.
Gli obiettivi formativi che il corso persegue sono:
- conoscenza e capacità di comprensione dei principali eventi della storia militare italiana nel periodo contemporaneo;
- conoscenza e capacità di comprensione applicate ai problemi operativi al fine di dar loro soluzione utilizzando le lesson learned dei principali eventi militari del passato;
- sviluppare autonomia di giudizio e comprensione critica dei principali eventi militari italiani contemporanei;
- migliorare le abilità comunicative nell’esporre tematiche storico-militari;
- implementare le capacità di apprendimento della storia militare italiana.


The course is aimed at providing the key concepts of the Italian Military History. Starting from the definition of military history, the study period is established (from the birth of the Italian army to the present day) and the importance of sources and historiographical revisionism is highlighted. The emphasis is placed, preliminarily, on the analysis of the thought of two great scholars of military art (Antoine Henrì Jomini and Carl von Clausewitz), then all the military events that have seen the Italian army as a protagonist in the contemporary period are analyzed from a historical-military point of view.
The educational objectives that the course pursues are:
- the knowledge and the understanding of the main events of Italian military history in the contemporary period;
- the knowledge and the understanding applied to operational problems in order to solve them using the lessons learned from the main military events of the past;
- to develop autonomy in judgment and critical understanding of the main contemporary Italian military events;
- to improve communication skills in exposing historical-military issues;
- to implement the learning skills of Italian military history.

GROPUS First Semester 3 M-STO/04 ita

Learning objectives

Il Corso è finalizzato a fornire i concetti-chiave della Storia Militare italiana. Partendo dalla definizione di storia militare, si fissa il periodo di studio (dalla nascita dell’esercito italiano ai giorni nostri) e ci si sofferma sull’importanza delle fonti e del revisionismo storiografico. Si pone, preliminarmente, l’accento sull’analisi del pensiero di due grandi studiosi di arte militare (Antoine Henrì Jomini e Carl von Clausewitz), quindi si analizzano dal punto di vista storico-militare tutti gli eventi militari che hanno visto protagonista l’esercito italiano nel periodo contemporaneo.
Gli obiettivi formativi che il corso persegue sono:
- conoscenza e capacità di comprensione dei principali eventi della storia militare italiana nel periodo contemporaneo;
- conoscenza e capacità di comprensione applicate ai problemi operativi al fine di dar loro soluzione utilizzando le lesson learned dei principali eventi militari del passato;
- sviluppare autonomia di giudizio e comprensione critica dei principali eventi militari italiani contemporanei;
- migliorare le abilità comunicative nell’esporre tematiche storico-militari;
- implementare le capacità di apprendimento della storia militare italiana.


The course is aimed at providing the key concepts of the Italian Military History. Starting from the definition of military history, the study period is established (from the birth of the Italian army to the present day) and the importance of sources and historiographical revisionism is highlighted. The emphasis is placed, preliminarily, on the analysis of the thought of two great scholars of military art (Antoine Henrì Jomini and Carl von Clausewitz), then all the military events that have seen the Italian army as a protagonist in the contemporary period are analyzed from a historical-military point of view.
The educational objectives that the course pursues are:
- the knowledge and the understanding of the main events of Italian military history in the contemporary period;
- the knowledge and the understanding applied to operational problems in order to solve them using the lessons learned from the main military events of the past;
- to develop autonomy in judgment and critical understanding of the main contemporary Italian military events;
- to improve communication skills in exposing historical-military issues;
- to implement the learning skills of Italian military history.

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Second Semester 4 M-GGR/02 ita

Learning objectives

The course provides basic theoretical and methodological knowledge for the analysis of the organization of territorial systems and socio-economic issues of the contemporary world from a geographical perspective.

In line with the training objectives defined by the Degree Course, the expected learning outcomes can also be declined on the basis of the Dublin Descriptors:
1) Knowledge and understanding. The course facilitates the study of theories and methods of geographical analysis. The main objective is to make national and international territorial political practices understood.
2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding. The goal is to make students able to understand the dynamics and the conceptual and application tools of local policies, government and governance so that they can acquire critical knowledge and understanding.
3) Autonomy of judgment. Build your own vision of the problems and solutions to be proposed regarding the elements of discrimination and territorial marginalization (economic, social, political, environmental sustainability).


First Semester 4 ITA

Learning objectives


The lessons learned in the Theaters of Operations and in the multiple deployments of personnel at International Organizations have highlighted how effective language training, is like any other type of training, it constitutes an incremental factor in operational capacity, and an essential professional tool for the execution of the assigned task. In particular, it is essential, for the performance of the military profession, at all levels, to understand and to express oneself correctly in English. This objective is achieved through the performance, at the Training Institutes, of targeted language training, followed by a continuous process of maintaining the level of language knowledge acquired.
The study of the English language for the Marshal Student Courses is aimed at achieving a minimum level of SLP (Standard Language Profile) of 2-2-2-2 in the four skills, to be ascertained through the Joint Force Language Test (JFLT) administered by the School of Foreign Languages of the Army (SLEE).


First Semester 2 L-LIN/12 ITA

Learning objectives

The Joint Force Language Test (JFLT) is the testing system that allows to ascertain, according to the parameters of the NATO STANAG 6011 and with scientific and as objective as possible criteria, the linguistic competences in the following skills:
- listening comprehension (Listening – L);
- oral production (Speaking – S);
- reading comprehension (Reading – R);
- written production (Writing - W).

The JFLT test is divided into:
- a “Multilevel Test” to ascertain the linguistic competences from level 0 to level 4;
- a “Special Test” to ascertain bilingualism (level 5).
The following levels of knowledge are foreseen for each skill:
- Level “0”: No proficiency;
- Level “0 plus”: Memorized proficiency;
- Level “1”: Survival;
- Level “1 plus”: Survival plus;
- Level “2”: Functional;
- Level “2 plus”: Functional plus;
- Level “3”: Professional;
- Level “3 plus”: Professional plus;
- Level “4”: Expert;
- Level “4 plus”: Expert plus;
- Level “5”: Highly – articulated native.


Second Semester 8 IUS/09 ITA

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding

Knowledge of the main institutions of public law, with particular attention to the constitutional framework of rights and freedoms and the form of state and government. This knowledge is to be achieved with a diachronic approach and with an awareness of its main evolutionary lines.

Applying knowledge and understanding

Ability to research relevant normative, bibliographical and jurisprudential material and use them for the purpose of setting legal problems.
Ability to address the main issues arising in the constitutional system of a state, beginning with a proper identification of the relevant legislation. Ability to keep in mind and properly select the main interpretations that are given of such legislation in doctrine and jurisprudence, also with reference to the increase in the complexity of sources as a result of European legislation.

Making judgements

Attention to the reading of positive law and to the interaction between law and politics with an awareness of the regularities of their intertwining, knowing how to discern independently their different modes of attitude.

Communication skills

Ability to write analytical papers and reports on course topics, demonstrating a clear understanding of legal rules and their implications in the state system.
Ability to expound complex arguments on course topics clearly and effectively, both in academic and professional contexts, including participating in discussions and debates and defending one's positions with sound legal arguments and responding pertinently to objections and questions posed.

Learning skills

The goal is to raise students' interest in the subject by soliciting their engagement and attention in the study of both general topics and specific issues.
Another goal is to highlight the points of contact between disciplines-legal and otherwise-apparently distant but actually closely intertwined.


Second Semester 8 SECS-P/01 ITA

Learning objectives

The goal of the course is to provide students with knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and practical tools that explain how the economic system works, both at a macro- and micro-level.
In this sense the objective will be twofold: to outline the behavior of the main economic actors, i.e. households, firms, Government and rest of the world (microeconomics) and to describe the coordination of these behaviors in the general functioning of the economic system (macroeconomics).

Acquire knowledge and tools, both theoretical and practical, that allow students to understand economic theories as well as the goals, tools and limits of policy makers. Such knowledge will be acquired through frontal lectures supported by advanced text books reading, exercises and participation to thematic seminars.

Students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and methodology to practical examples in a way to assess the main concerns and opportunities of the modern economic systems. Such skills will be developed mainly through exercises and an active debate in the classroom.

Ability to identify and explain the rationale behind the main economic relationships. Students will be able to collect and interpret relevant data on the main economic indicators in order to formulate responses and provide reflections on general issues of macro- and microeconomics. This will be obtained through lessons encouraging a reasoned discussion among students.

Students will acquire the ability to present the issues of the course with adequate language and appropriate analytical skills (formulae, graphics, and explanation of causal links). Such ability will be implemented through exercises. Students will be able to communicate with peers and supervisors about their understanding on basic topics of economics.

Students must be able to reconstruct autonomously the main notions of economics so that to undertake possible further studies with a high degree of autonomy.

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GROPUS Second Semester 8 IUS/13 ita

Second Semester 10 SPS/04 ITA

Learning objectives

Training Objectives
Macro-subject composed of 5 military disciplines which pursues the following didactic/training objectives:
⦁ Military Regulations: provide theoretical knowledge related to the law and regulation of specific military interest, with particular reference to obligations and responsibilities arising from the status of a military;
⦁ History of the Air Force: understand the historical events that led to the current configuration of the Air Force and relate them to the historical and cultural evolution.
⦁ Military ethics: understand the ethical aspects related to the status of military with particular reference to the behaviors considered appropriate to the expected rank/role;
⦁ Defence and Air Force Regulations: understand the main aspects of the organization of Defence, with particular reference to the hierarchical/functional structure and tasks of the Air Force;
⦁ Leadership 1: Knowledge of the basic principles relating to the leadership process with particular reference to the leadership model in the Air Force.


Second Semester 2 ita

Second Semester 8 L-LIN/04 ita

Learning objectives

Knowledge and comprehension skills
Gradually approach the linguistic and cultural reality of France and the countries of the French-speaking area, comprehend in principle the essential points of a conversation or written text centred on a usual topic or activity, develop a discrete lexical richness, particularly specific to the military field, acquire the fundamental theoretical concepts of French grammar.

Applied knowledge and comprehension skills
manage communication through simple but morphologically and syntactically correct sentences, be able to recount events from everyday life, i.e. related to routine activities, extract, summarise and return information obtained from the reading of a simple text that is semantically cohesive and coherent.

Autonomy of judgement
To develop and refine critical and judgement skills sufficient to express one's own point of view on a range of elementary issues related to the French language and culture, to be able to autonomously analyse linguistic phenomena observed during lectures, to autonomously apply the rules of utterance production and transcription of sounds of the French language.

Communicative skills
Ability to communicate and interact in a variety of situations and contexts addressed during the lectures, be able to communicate concepts, opinions, problems and solutions limited to the skills required by the level indicated.

Ability to learn
To acquire a study method appropriate to the transmission of the knowledge acquired, to assess independently the level reached in order to sit the examination, to be able to correctly interrogate dictionaries and use with profit the tools provided throughout the course, to approach without difficulty the scientific literature in the sector, which will be previously addressed and discussed during the lectures with the lecturer.


Second Semester 8 SPS/07 ita

Learning objectives

Basic knowledge of general sociology, military sociology and security sociology

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Learning objectives

Methods and teaching of motor activities 2.

The Course in Methods and teaching of motor activities 2 (MDAM 2) aims to:
- improve the basic motor skills/abilities of the attendee in both terrestrial and aquatic environments;
- confer to the greatest number of students the qualification of Physical Education Instructor (I.E.F.), necessary to "plan and conduct gymnastic sports activities in the Departments of employment".

These goals are pursued through the administration of practical and theoretical lessons.

Carrying out "field work" not only improves the resistance skills:
- aerobic;
- prolonged effort;
- muscular;
- maximum effort concentrated over time,
but allows the attendee to personally experience the level of difficulty/fatigue in carrying out the training to which he/she will subsequently have to subject the personnel assigned to him/her to be trained in the sector.
The part of the classroom lessons, aims at expanding the knowledge of the perfect combination of the fatigue generated by the execution of the exercises, what happens inside the human being and how to improve their interaction, specifically develops on three macro - topics:
- Anatomy and Physiology of the human body;
- Training Theory;


First Semester 10 SPS/06 ITA

Learning objectives

The course introduces students to the fundamental principles and concepts of international relations and their history from the beginning of the 20th century to the dawn of the 21st.
Dublin Descriptors
KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Having developed the knowledge of the principles of international relations, the main problems and hinges in the history of international relations during the twentieth century.
ABILITY TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: To acquire a conceptual instrumentation capable of analyzing also the international relations of today.
AUTONOMY OF JUDGMENT: Being able to interpret and elaborate one's own assessments on the main points of the history


First Semester 8 SPS/11 ITA

Learning objectives

The course aims to analyze in depth the relationships between the social system and the political system. Through the analysis of the main concepts and theories of political sociology, students will acquire useful cognitive tools to interpret and operate professionally in complex socio-political systems. The expert knowledge acquired will enable students to understand the dynamics, power relations, structural and superstructural variables that act in the political context in which they will live and work.

At the end of the course students will be able to:
- read and summarize scientific texts on political sociology;
- describe the main theoretical concepts and research methodologies proper to the political sociology;
- identify the main authors who have worked in the field of political social.

At the end of the course students will be able to:
- collocate authors and theories of the political sociology in a line of temporal evolution;
- summarize the main theoretical and scientific aspects;
- define the limits of the discipline and identify its critical points.

At the end of the course students will be able to:
- describe in sociological terms the characteristics of the political scenario, its actors, its social structures, its agencies;
- identify and use sociological variables in the evaluation of a complex political scenario;
- understand the intrinsically social dimension of the process of consensus building and management of power and authority.

At the end of the course students will be able to:
- use the scientific lexicon of the political sociology in oral exposure and writing;
- discuss in public concepts, theories and social situations of the political system and its articulations;;
- work in groups, sharing and exchanging the knowledge acquired in the field of political sociology.

At the end of the course students will be able to:
- find and deepen independently the new scientific orientations regarding the political sociology;
- recover and deepen their socio-political knowledge during the course of their scientific maturation process and along their professional path.


First Semester 8 IUS/10 ITA

Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to provide students with a basic knowledge of the fundamentals of administrative law. The teaching focuses on the discipline of functions, organization, human and financial resources, procedure and provision, as well as the basic notions of administrative justice, in the context of relations with the European Union legal system.

D1 - Knowledge and understanding
The teaching aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding regarding the following profiles:
1. the transformations that have affected public administrations in the European and international context;
2. the principles that regulate administrative action;
3. the relationships between administrative and government levels within the State;
4. the transformations of the forms of administrative activity;
5. the ways in which the legal system identifies a point of balance between the care of public interests and the protection of private interests;
6. the influence of constitutional principles regarding the organization and functioning of public administration.
7. the relationships between the Italian and European Union legal systems and, consequently, between the forms of administrative execution of the respective legal sources.

D2 - Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, the student must be able to:
1. find a legislative or regulatory text, or an administrative act, analyze it and interpret it through a correct identification of its rationale;
2. find and analyze, also in a critical way, a jurisprudential decision of the administrative judges and other Italian judicial bodies, as well as of the Court of Justice of the EU and the European Court of Human Rights;

D3 - Autonomy of judgment
At the end of the course, the student must be able to analyze and reconstruct different and possibly alternative interpretative options in relation to a legislative text or a judicial decision.

D4 - Communication skills
At the end of the course, the student must be able to present the notions referred to in point D1

D5 - Learning ability
At the end of the course, the student must be able to independently find and analyze the legislation and jurisprudential orientations in the field of administrative law.


First Semester 16 INF/01 ITA

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide technical knowledge of the main weapon systems and equipment supplied to each branch of the Armed Forces, the related procedures of use and the basic safety regulations relating to their use.
The training objectives are:
- Acquire the necessary skills to correctly use the materials, means, equipment and weapon systems supplied to the Armed Forces;
- Acquire the skills and abilities necessary to correctly exercise the Command and Control function of a Platoon/Section level unit in relation to the specific branch to which it belongs;
- Acquire the ability to operate, in command of one's own unit, in every employment scenario.


First Semester 10 SECS-P/06 ITA

Learning objectives

The course aims to tackle macroeconomic issues which, in the light of the most recent economic stylized facts, characterize the performance of national and international economic systems.
The aim of the course is to provide tools to assess the role of the State in influencing the economy in the short, medium and long term, with particular emphasis on fiscal and monetary policies, whose objectives, tools and limits are studied in depth.

The course aims to provide basic theoretical and empirical knowledge needed to allow the student to independently understand the action exercised by economic policy.
This knowledge will be acquired mainly through lectures, reading targeted texts and participation in thematic seminars.

The student must be able to apply the methodological and theoretical knowledge acquired through the lectures to the interpretation of issues in which the balance and stability of economic systems is at stake. These specific skills will be developed mainly through the study of case studies and classroom debate.

The autonomy of judgment is built by means of the technical mastery of the tools, and of the understanding of the reasons that make distinct approaches bring different solutions in different contexts. This is made through lessons that encourage discussion and stimulate confrontation.

The student should acquire the ability to expose and present with mastery of language and adequate analytical skills the issues and topics covered within the course. The tutorials, focused on critical reading and the interpretation of press articles, will aim precisely to foster this ability.

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Second Semester 6 ita

Obiettivi formativi

Methods and teaching of motor activities 1.

The Course in Methods and teaching of motor activities 1 (MDAM 1) aims to:
- improve the basic motor skills/abilities of the attendee in both terrestrial and aquatic environments;
- provide basic skills to "plan and conduct gymnastic sports activities at the Departments of employment".
These goals are pursued through practical lessons and during which theoretical explanations are also given on what is being achieved.
Carrying out "field work" not only improves the resistance skills:
- aerobic;
- prolonged effort;
- muscular;
- maximum effort concentrated over time,
but allows the attendee to personally experience the level of difficulty/fatigue in carrying out the training to which he/she will subsequently have to subject the personnel assigned to him/her to be trained in the sector.

Obiettivi formativi

Methods and teaching of motor activities 2.

The Course in Methods and teaching of motor activities 2 (MDAM 2) aims to:
- improve the basic motor skills/abilities of the attendee in both terrestrial and aquatic environments;
- confer to the greatest number of students the qualification of Physical Education Instructor (I.E.F.), necessary to "plan and conduct gymnastic sports activities in the Departments of employment".

These goals are pursued through the administration of practical and theoretical lessons.

Carrying out "field work" not only improves the resistance skills:
- aerobic;
- prolonged effort;
- muscular;
- maximum effort concentrated over time,
but allows the attendee to personally experience the level of difficulty/fatigue in carrying out the training to which he/she will subsequently have to subject the personnel assigned to him/her to be trained in the sector.
The part of the classroom lessons, aims at expanding the knowledge of the perfect combination of the fatigue generated by the execution of the exercises, what happens inside the human being and how to improve their interaction, specifically develops on three macro - topics:
- Anatomy and Physiology of the human body;
- Training Theory;

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119687 - GROPUS First Year / Second Semester 6 SPS/07 ita