General Info


First Semester 6BIO/03ita

Learning objectives

To provide the basic knowledge to understand how a plant is organized and how it works in relation to its environment from cell to individual level, through an approach that integrates concepts of plant biology and plant ecology, to provide the basic elements for studying plant diversity and the geographic plant distribution, to understand the importance of the relationship between structure and function in plant adaptive capacity to environmental factors.

Applying knowledge and understanding
- Knowing how to use specific terminology.
- Knowing of the life processes of the plants
- Knowing how to recognize the structural characteristics of high plants
- Knowing how to distinguish the different types of plants in relation to the development environment.
- Understand the concept of plant species.
- Understand how different environmental factors influence plant diversity and its geographical distribution.
- Understand how different environmental stresses influence the plant adaptative capacity.

Making judgements
- Acquire analytical skills for the deepening and applicability of the knowledge learned.
Communication skills
- Knowing how to communicate what they have learned during the oral interview.
Learning skills
- To learn the specific terminology.
- To Logically connect the acquired knowledge.
- To identify the most relevant topics of the subjects covered.


First Semester 6SECS-S/03ita

Learning objectives

1) applying knowledge and
2) understanding
3) knowledge and understanding
4) making judgements
5) learning skills


Learning objectives

The Assisted Representation Techniques module is aimed at providing the basic knowledge of digital representation for the design of open spaces and landscape.

Knowledge and understanding
- know how to use specific terminology
- know the workflow within the digital environment
- be able to recognize, describe and render in appropriate graphic signs the anthropic and natural components of urban spaces, landscape and territory
- know the graphic symbology and scales of representation

Applied knowledge and understanding
- digital management skills in vector and raster environments through the use of specific software such as Autodesk AutoCAD and Adobe Photoshop
- develop your own graphic language
- know how to manage a graphic design, from the production phase of the individual images to the layout and printing phase

Making judgements
- ability to collect

MODULE IIFirst Semester6ICAR/17ita

Learning objectives

e Assisted Representation Techniques module is aimed at providing the basic knowledge of digital representation for the design of open spaces and landscape.

Knowledge and understanding
- know how to use specific terminology
- know the workflow within the digital environment
- be able to recognize, describe and render in appropriate graphic signs the anthropic and natural components of urban spaces, landscape and territory
- know the graphic symbology and scales of representation

Applied knowledge and understanding
- digital management skills in vector and raster environments through the use of specific software such as Autodesk AutoCAD and Adobe Photoshop
- develop your own graphic language
- know how to manage a graphic design, from the production phase of the individual images to the layout and printing phase

Making judgements
- ability to collect

MODULE IIFirst Semester6ICAR/17ita

Learning objectives

The objective of the Assisted Representation Techniques module is to provide basic knowledge of digital representation for the design of open spaces and landscapes.

Knowledge and understanding
- know how to use specific terminology
- know the workflow within the digital environment
- know how to recognise, describe and render in appropriate graphic signs the anthropic and natural components of urban spaces, landscape and territory
- know the graphic symbols and scales of representation

Applying knowledge and understanding
- digital management skills in vector and raster environments through the use of specific software such as Autodesk AutoCAD and Adobe Photoshop
- develop your own graphic language
- know how to manage a graphic design, from the production phase of the individual images to the layout and printing phase

Making judgements
- ability to collect and interpret data for the representation of urban spaces, landscape and territory

Communication skills
- know how to graphically communicate the characteristics of urban spaces, landscape and territory
- knowing how to argue the graphic choices in relation to the contents of what is being represented

Learning skills
- ability to integrate the skills acquired


First Semester 6AGR/13ita

Learning objectives

The course aims to introduce the main environmental issues , deriving from anthropic activities, that cause a severe impact on three environmental matrices such as air, water and soil. In particular, attention will be focused on the chemical processes characterizing environmental matrices such as soil, water and air from their elemental composition to the chemical transformations occurring within each of them. A special focus will be granted to the soil matrix as a complex and vulnerable system.
In particular the student will
1) increase the knowledge of the earth system and its different ecospheres
2) be able to relate anthropic impacts to the different environmental matrices to highlight stress conditions
3) be able to make judgments deriving from the level of knowledge gained
4) improve the communication skills thanks to the acquisition of a specific scientific language
5) learn the tools to understand the phenomena affecting environmental matrices and their dynamics


Second Semester 5L-LIN/12ITA

Learning objectives

1) applying knowledge and
2) understanding
3) knowledge and understanding
4) making judgements
5) learning skills

118587 - - 10- -

Learning objectives

Applying knowledge:
- Knowing how to use specific terminology.
- Knowing how to classify the vegetation on a physiognomic basis.
- Knowing how to use the vegetation maps for the landscape design
Applying understanding:
- Understand the concept of ecosystem and landscape
- Understand the difference between the concept of flora and plant association
- Understand the criteria for choosing the species to design the landscape
Evaluation skills
- Acquire analytical skills for the deepening and applicability of the knowledge learned.
- Autonomy of judgment with respect to issues related to the use of plants in landscape design
Communication skills
- Knowing how to argue the choices made concerning the developed project, especially as regards the botanical aspects of the design
Learning skills
- To learn the specific terminology.
- To Logically connect the acquired knowledge.
- To identify the most relevant topics of the subjects covered

MODULE IIFirst Semester6ICAR/15ita

Learning objectives

The landscape analysis and design studio provides students with the tools to describe, interpret and design landscapes with reference to cultural and interdisciplinary orientations of contemporary debate.
The guiding hypothesis, which will be developed continuously, is to firmly connect the moment of analysis to that of interpretation and of the proposal, highlighting how the analyzes are always inevitably connected and bound to a specific design purpose (explicit or implicit) .
Within the course, the project is therefore intended not as an "end" but as a path of exploration and verification necessary for the critical acquisition of knowledge.

MODULE IIFirst Semester4BIO/03ita

Learning objectives

Applying knowledge:
- Knowing how to use specific terminology.
- Knowing how to classify the vegetation on a physiognomic basis.
- Knowing how to use the vegetation maps for the landscape design
Applying understanding:
- Understand the concept of ecosystem and landscape
- Understand the difference between the concept of flora and plant association
- Understand the criteria for choosing the species to design the landscape
Evaluation skills
- Acquire analytical skills for the deepening and applicability of the knowledge learned.
- Autonomy of judgment with respect to issues related to the use of plants in landscape design
Communication skills
- Knowing how to argue the choices made concerning the developed project, especially as regards the botanical aspects of the design
Learning skills
- To learn the specific terminology.
- To Logically connect the acquired knowledge.
- To identify the most relevant topics of the subjects covered


Learning objectives

Acquisition of the main cartographic techniques, knowledge of GIS, cartographic systems, basic techniques in QGIS

MODULE IIFirst Semester6ICAR/21ita
MODULE IIFirst Semester3ICAR/20ita

Learning objectives

Acquisition of the main cartographic techniques, knowledge of GIS, cartographic systems, basic techniques in QGIS


Learning objectives

The course aims to provide basic knowledge on herbaceous, ornamental and turf systems. The course allows students to acquire knowledge of the basics of the functioning of the herbaceous agroecosystem and its effects on the quality of the environment and landscape. The course aims to introduce the student to the understanding of the concept of herbaceous agroecosystem as a productive space and the importance of ornamental herbaceous plants and turfs as providers of ecosystem, recreational and landscape quality services.

MODULE IIFirst Semester4AGR/02ita

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide basic knowledge on herbaceous, ornamental and turf systems. The course allows students to acquire knowledge of the basics of the functioning of the herbaceous agroecosystem and its effects on the quality of the environment and landscape. The course aims to introduce the student to the understanding of the concept of herbaceous agroecosystem as a productive space and the importance of ornamental herbaceous plants and turfs as providers of ecosystem, recreational and landscape quality services.

MODULE IIFirst Semester5AGR/03ita

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide basic knowledge about tree crop systems and elements for understanding the tree's physiology and the peculiarities of the life cycle and tree seasonal growth. The course allows to acquire the knowledge of the bases of agronomical techniques and the main interventions on the plant and the related effects on the quality of the environment and the landscape. The course intends to introduce the student to the understanding of the concept of agro-ecosystem as a productive space, provider of eco-system services and landscape quality.

KNOWLEDGE AND CAPACITY TO UNDERSTAND - To have acquired knowledge of the agro-phenological cycle of the tree, the organisational structure and operating principles of the orchard agro-ecosystem. To have learnt the impacts of the main management techniques of the agro-ecosystem and the strategies for limiting the negative impact on environmental resources, from biodiversity to soil fertility, atmosphere quality and landscape. To be able to critically read the forms of the agrarian landscape.
CAPACITY TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING - To have sufficient knowledge of the tree system to enable the analysis, interpretation of the strengths and weaknesses of tree systems, and the definition of strategies at landscape or local scale for the improvement of environmental and landscape quality, according to the principles of sustainability.
AUTONOMY OF JUDGEMENT - To be able to interpret and evaluate the quality of different tree agrosystems and related landscapes.
LEARNING SKILLS - To be able to describe and explain different aspects of the agro-ecosystem. This ability will be developed through the active involvement of students through classroom discussions during lectures and during thematic technical visits.


First Semester 6AGR/10ITA

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide the tools and methodologies for analysing the territory at the planning scale. the main training objectives are:
- Knowledge and comprehension skills: during the course, the student will acquire comprehension and problem-solving skills through analysis methodologies that simulate real contexts;
- Applied knowledge and comprehension skills will be developed by the student through teaching integrated with laboratory activities in classrooms equipped with dedicated GIS software;
- Autonomy of judgement in the "problem solving" phase in the risk contexts addressed during the course;
- Communication skills through the drafting of reports and projects to be presented during the examination;
- Ability to learn.

118489 - PEDOLOGY

First Semester 6AGR/14ita

Learning objectives

The course will introduce students to soil science to the principles and approaches of soil investigation. The course aims to provide knowledge on the genesis and evolution of soils and provide the basis for further specialized studies in the field of land and environmental planning and design according to conservation of soil as a non-renewable resource. Specifically, the soils of urban ecosystems with different degrees of anthropization and soils in agricultural, grassland and forest ecosystems will be dealt with.


First Semester 6ICAR/12ita

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide basic knowledge on phenomena related to climate change and environmental risks and on technological measures of prevention, mitigation and adaptation to face these challenges. The course aims to examine the main technological solutions to be adopted for landscape architecture and environmental design and to provide the necessary tools for the conscious choice and the correct use of natural and artificial materials, according to the 'Green -Blue Infrastructure '(GBI) approach. The course aims to facilitate the understanding of the main classes of building materials to be used in the open space and in the urban envelope, evaluating their characteristics, properties and performance, as well as the methods of use, favoring "nature-based solutions" (NBS). Through the analysis of case studies and the study of product data sheets, the course aims to develop an adequate critical capacity in the selection of solutions, materials and design parameters useful to satisfy the complex requirement framework that characterizes the open space and the built environment.
1) Knowledge and understanding
Acquire knowledges about the basic methodological-operational aspects related to i) the understanding of the main environmental phenomena that influence the project in the urban space ii) the correct selection and the design of technologies and building materials applicable to open spaces and urban envelope
2) Knowledge and applied understanding skills
Acquire the ability to understand environmental phenomena at the landscape and urban scale, in order to identify technological solutions and effective products in the processes of analysis and transformation of the built environment, justifying the choices in the context of environmental technological design with reference to open spaces
3) Autonomy of judgment
Acquire the skills to independently identify and collect additional information necessary to achieve awareness of natural phenomena and their evolution. Develope the capacity of interpretation of the information available in the context of an urban-scale project
4) Communication skills
Display competences in communicating information and concepts, discussing issues about the landscape and the urban environment and technological solutions or materials to be used in the project. Develope the capacity of choosing the appropriate form and means of communication for the interlocutor (specialist or not)
5) Ability to learn
Acquire the abilities in the field of technologies and materials to be applied to open spaces, also in relation to the progressive innovation of production and construction processes. Demonstrate independence and proficiency in new and updated skills.

119884 - FOREST ECOSYSTEMS - 10- -

Learning objectives

The course provides:
a) the bases for the definition of the concept of ecosystem, community and forest population; energy and material flows; forest interactions with the biosphere and atmosphere; relationship between forest management and landscape;
b) knowledge of environmental parameters and their influence on the evolution of the forest ecosystem; interpretation of the competitive phenomena that regulate the regeneration of forest stands;
c) the definition of the structure and types of forest in relation to phytoclimatic requirements;
d) the application of forms of management and treatment of forests for the purposes of sustainable management, maintenance of biodiversity and efficiency with regard to the various environmental components and the landscape;
e) learning the scientific bases and techniques of sustainable forestry applied to forests of natural origin or planted.

1) have sufficient knowledge to apply the

MODULE IISecond Semester6AGR/05ita
MODULE IISecond Semester4AGR/05ita

Second Semester 6ICAR/18ita

Learning objectives

The course adresses the main phases of landscape transformation, with particular regard to agricultural landscapes and the Italian territory, with also an eye on other western european experiences. It provides the basic methodological tools to 'interpret' the landscape as a result of the centuries-old, stratified interaction between History and Nature, to be examined with a multi-disciplinary approach in order to appreciate the plurality and complexity of the dynamics from which it originates (political-social, economic-productive, cultural and symbolic, etc.).
In this framework, the course illustrates the evolution of ‘garden art’ as maximum expression of a conscious and planned transformation of the 'natural datum' driven by aesthetic, formal and symbolic purposes. Moreover, the course clarifies its relationship with the concurrent cultural beliefs and the wider transformation of the landscape, with a specific focus on the Italian case.

119888 - SOIL DEFENSE - 10- -

Learning objectives

This course aims at providing students with a thorough grounding in the basics of hydrogeological processes and biotechnical engineering. It offers students the opportunity to: i) understand the theory underlying major hydrological and soil phenomena; ii) critically comprehend the evolution of such phenomena; and iii) design simple bioengineering measures.

Learning outcomes
1) Knowledge and understanding
Acquisition of knowledge on the basic theory and methods behind i) hydrogeological processes, and ii) biotechnical engineering measures.
2) Applying knowledge and understanding
Acquire the ability to design simple biotechnical engineering measures and to develop strategies in the context of landscape planning.
3) Making judgments
Acquire the skills to independently use library and internet resources relevant to the comprehension of hydrogeological phenomena. Develop the capacity to assess and resolve simple environmental constraints and strategies relevant to landscape planning.
4) Communication skills
Display competence in communicating effectively hydrogeological and biotechnical engineering concepts. Demonstrate understanding of opportunities in the field of communication in various settings and contexts (both technical and non-technical).
5) Learning skills
Acquire the abilities to efficiently identify areas of biotechnical engineering for improvement and demonstrate independence and proficiency in updating and upgrading own skills.

MODULE IISecond Semester7AGR/08ita

Learning objectives

This course aims at providing students with a thorough grounding in the basics of hydrogeological processes and biotechnical engineering. It offers students the opportunity to: i) understand the theory underlying major hydrological and soil phenomena; ii) critically comprehend the evolution of such phenomena; and iii) design simple bioengineering measures.

Learning outcomes
1) Knowledge and understanding
Acquisition of knowledge on the basic theory and methods behind i) hydrogeological processes, and ii) biotechnical engineering measures.
2) Applying knowledge and understanding
Acquire the ability to design simple biotechnical engineering measures and to develop strategies in the context of landscape planning.
3) Making judgments
Acquire the skills to independently use library and internet resources relevant to the comprehension of hydrogeological phenomena. Develop the capacity to assess and resolve simple environmental constraints and strategies relevant to landscape planning.
4) Communication skills
Display competence in communicating effectively hydrogeological and biotechnical engineering concepts. Demonstrate understanding of opportunities in the field of communication in various settings and contexts (both technical and non-technical).
5) Learning skills
Acquire the abilities to efficiently identify areas of biotechnical engineering for improvement and demonstrate independence and proficiency in updating and upgrading own skills.

MODULE IISecond Semester3GEO/05ita

Learning objectives

This course aims at providing students with a thorough grounding in the basics of hydrogeological processes and biotechnical engineering. It offers students the opportunity to: i) understand the theory underlying major hydrological and soil phenomena; ii) critically comprehend the evolution of such phenomena; and iii) design simple bioengineering measures.

Learning outcomes
1) Knowledge and understanding
Acquisition of knowledge on the basic theory and methods behind i) hydrogeological processes, and ii) biotechnical engineering measures.
2) Applying knowledge and understanding
Acquire the ability to design simple biotechnical engineering measures and to develop strategies in the context of landscape planning.
3) Making judgments
Acquire the skills to independently use library and internet resources relevant to the comprehension of hydrogeological phenomena. Develop the capacity to assess and resolve simple environmental constraints and strategies relevant to landscape planning.
4) Communication skills
Display competence in communicating effectively hydrogeological and biotechnical engineering concepts. Demonstrate understanding of opportunities in the field of communication in various settings and contexts (both technical and non-technical).
5) Learning skills
Acquire the abilities to efficiently identify areas of biotechnical engineering for improvement and demonstrate independence and proficiency in updating and upgrading own skills.


Learning objectives

1) applying knowledge and
2) understanding
3) knowledge and understanding
4) making judgements
5) learning skills

MODULE IISecond Semester6ICAR/20ita
MODULE IISecond Semester6AGR/05ita

Learning objectives

The objectives of the course are to provide the basic knowledge to understand the importance and functional role of the plant component in landscape planning and design.

Ability to apply knowledge
- Knowing how to use specific terminology.
- To be able to classify vegetation on a physiognomic basis.
- Knowing how to use vegetation maps for landscape design

Ability to understand
- Understand the concept of ecosystem and landscape
- Understand the difference between the concept of flora and plant association
- Understand the criteria for choosing species to be used in landscape design

Assessment skills

- Acquire analytical skills for the deepening and applicability of the knowledge learned.
- Making judgements with respect to the problems related to the use of plants in landscape design

Communication skills
- To be able to argue the choices made in relation to the project carried out above all

MODULE IISecond Semester6ICAR/15ita
MODULE IISecond Semester1AGR/05ita
MODULE IISecond Semester2GEO/05ita

First Semester 6IUS/10ITA

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students with the reconstructive and critical skills needed to orientate themselves in an extremely current but complex and constantly evolving subject, which must be analyzed in a multilevel governance perspective. In particular, the course aims to provide students with the basic notions of environmental law and, more generally, of governing the territory, in order to acquire the necessary legal tools to allow the various professional figures involved in landscape planning to actively participate in the territorial planning process.
To this end, will be analyzed the national, European and international legislation and the most recent developments in environmental law will be examined in class.

Expected learning outcomes according to the Dublin descriptors
1) Knowledge and understanding
Acquisition of knowledge about how to understand the role of regulations in environmental law, in particular to read and interpret the regulations and judgments
2) Applied knowledge and understanding
Acquire the ability to understand the legal principles dealt with to apply them to concrete cases
3) Autonomy of judgment
Acquire the ability to identify and collect additional information to achieve greater
awareness of the evolution of environmental legislation
Acquire the ability to effectively communicate information and concepts, as well as discuss legal problems of environmental law related to landscape planning
5) Ability to learn
Acquire skills necessary for autonomous ability to read the rules and legal update


First Semester 6AGR/01ITA

Learning objectives

Educational objectives
The course provides students with methodological tools useful for ex-ante and ex-post evaluation of projects and strategies for enhancing natural, landscape and agro-forestry resources.

Learning outcomes
- Recognize and understand agro-forestry good and services markets functioning (Dublin1);
- Apply the knowledge acquired to evaluate projects and programs related to natural resources management (Dublin2);
- Develop autonomously analysis to evaluate agro-forestry assets (Dublin3);
- Acquire presentation skills of technical-economic evaluation essay (Dublin4);
- Full knowledge of the main information sources of market data, costs and estimation parameters (Dublin 5)


First Semester 12ita

First Semester 3ita

First Semester 6ICAR/19ita

Learning objectives

General objectives
Restoration of the landscape is part of the disciplinary field of architectural restoration which, concurrent with the extension of the field of interest to include history, currently embraces all anthropised lands.
Starting with the indispensable fundamentals of architectural restoration, the Course will illustrate the principles and methods used to preserve the historical-cultural landscape.

Specific objectives

Knowledge and understanding

At the end of the course, the student must have acquired skills relating to the main methods and tools of knowledge of the territory and the principles and methods for the conservation of the historical and cultural landscape.

Applying knowledge and understanding

Using the methods, tools and procedures acquired, the student will have to demonstrate that he is able to apply these skills to the reading of a landscape 1) reconstruct the historical process of transformation of the territory with reference to the physical-natural system, to the anthropic system to the cultural perceptive system and to the institutional political system 2) recognize the values and identity elements of the place 3) codify the signs that make up the landscape.

Making judgements

At the end of the learning process, the student must demonstrate that he has acquired sufficient confidence with the critical-evaluative analysis of the territory 1) identify the map of the values of the territory 2) identify the vulnerability of resources 3) identify trends and vocations of the various systems. his analysis is the premise for identifying the guidelines for the restoration.
The achievement of this autonomy of judgment must be carried out as part of the exercise proposed during the course.

Communication skills

At the end of the course, in the face of the acquired skills with respect to the theoretical, methodological, technical and design knowledge of the disciplinary scope of the restoration, the student will demonstrate to be able to communicate them in an effective way.

Learning skills

At the end of the course, the student will have to demonstrate that they are able to continuously update and increase the skills acquired and to be able to independently apply their knowledge.


Learning objectives

1) applying knowledge and
2) understanding
3) knowledge and understanding
4) making judgements
5) learning skills


Second Semester 6ita

Learning objectives

1) applying knowledge and
2) understanding
3) knowledge and understanding
4) making judgements
5) learning skills