Study plan


First Semester 8SECS-P/07ITA

Learning objectives

This course is designed to equip students with the fundamental concepts and terminology necessary to comprehend business administration phenomena. It aims to enable students to comprehend the characteristics, modes of operation, and roles of companies as they engage with the external environment and different methods of internal organization. In the application section, students will gain basic knowledge about how to identify the economic and financial effects of business choices. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to grasp the basic themes of business economics, which will enable them to read documents or participate in debates on company content.

By the end of this course, the student will have gained fundamental knowledge of interpretive models that can be used to assess a company's internal operations as well as its relationships with the external environment. These models will provide valuable insights into the dynamics of the company, allowing individuals to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions to improve its overall performance.

The student will be able to recognize the various types of companies, understand and critically evaluate the roles of the people who operate there, and identify the parts that make up the structure. In addition, the student will be able to quantify the effect that the main management operations have on capital, the FY performance, and internal balances.

At the end of the course, the student will be able to understand the company and its operation as well as the opportunity to undertake certain management operations about the effects that these may have on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the capital and the FY performance and, more generally, on internal balances.

At the end of the course, the student will have acquired an aptitude for the analysis of business administration problems, relational skills, and written and oral expression, with appropriate language to discuss the topics dealt with the different interlocutors.

The student will acquire the above-mentioned skills through a correct approach to individual study and guided the development of exercises and business cases.


First Semester 8SECS-S/06ITA

Learning objectives

The course is a basic course on mathematics that provides the quantitative analysis tools needed to interpret and model economic and financial phenomena.

The course is in line with the general objective of the course of study to provide economic skills and mathematical-statistical techniques for an adequate understanding of the economic system and the functioning of financial markets. The course, in particular, aims at equipping students with the mathematical tools necessary for understanding and modeling economic and financial phenomena.

To learn the basic concepts and tools of quantitative analysis necessary to interpret and model economic and financial phenomena; to formulate and solve basic problems of modern economics and finance.

The student is expected to assimilate the fundamental notions of quantitative analysis for analyzing economic and financial phenomena; to be able to correctly set and solve basic problems of modern economics and finance; to be able to communicate effectively on economic and financial issues, using an appropriate mathematical language.

The course provides students with the knowledge and analytical tools needed to understand and model the main economic and financial phenomena.

The student must be able to interpret and model the main economic and financial phenomena. In particular he/she must be able to build models to formulate and solve basic problems of modern economics and finance.

The student must be able to independently assess the necessary information, to conduct surveys and to set up quantitative analysis of economical and financial phenomena.

The student must be able to communicate effectively on economic and financial issues, using an appropriate mathematical language. The ability to communicate on a multidisciplinary level on economic-financial and mathematical-statistical topics is, in this respect, the main target of the course.

The student must acquire a significant analytical ability and a well-founded quantitative survey method to be able to deal with subsequent teachings.

119234 - III

First Semester 8ING-INF/05ita

Learning objectives

The course's main objective is to introduce fundamental concepts of computer science by providing a general overview. Additionally, it will focus on hands-on training with key application software essential in a professional setting. Students will learn to use word processing programs, spreadsheets, and presentation software. These practical skills will enable them to utilize essential productivity tools to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in both the workplace and their academic journey.

1. Knowledge and Understanding
Students will gain a fundamental understanding of computer science principles. They will also learn the main functionalities and practical applications of software for word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation creation, understanding how these tools can be used to improve productivity.

2. Applying Knowledge and Understanding
Students will be able to apply the skills learned in using application software to create documents, manage data, and prepare presentations in professional and academic contexts. They will also be capable of solving practical problems related to the daily use of computer tools and applying technological solutions in real-world situations.

3. Making Judgements
Students will develop the ability to make autonomous decisions regarding the use of information technology and application software, based on a critical evaluation of their needs and the available tools. They will be able to reflect on their choices and performance, identify areas for improvement, and adopt strategies to optimize the effectiveness and efficiency of their activities.

4. Communication Skills
Students will be able to communicate the results of their activities and projects clearly and professionally, both through written documents and visual presentations. They will learn to work in groups using computer tools and present their ideas and results to an audience.

5. Learning Skills
Students will acquire the ability to learn autonomously and continuously, developing strategies to update and expand their computer skills. They will be able to adapt to new technologies and tools, and apply the knowledge acquired to new and evolving situations. This ability to learn independently will prepare them for ongoing professional and academic growth.

13802 - TRAINING

First Semester 2ita

First Semester 8ita

First Semester 8ita

Second Semester 8SECS-P/01ITA

Learning objectives


The provision of the basic analytical tools to understand, at macro and micro level, the functioning of the economic and financial system and the role of households, enterprises, banks, Government and the rest of the world, by presenting the economics as a social science characterized by a plurality of theoretical approaches.


1.Knowledge and understanding ability: the knowledge of theories and economic policies useful to understand the main issues of contemporary economy.

2.Capability to apply knowledge and understanding: the knowledge of concepts and methods to judge the main criticalities and opportunities of an economy.

3.Capability to approach the subject in a critical manner: the capability to identify the main relationships of the economic system to grasp its logic and explain it according to the different theoretical approaches and with a critical capacity.

4.Communication abilities: to knowledge of the analytical rigor through the use of formulas and graphs and with the illustration of logical links.

5.Learning ability: successful condition in learning is the ability to reconstruct autonomously and critically the introductory notions of political economy."


Second Semester 8SECS-P/07ITA

Learning objectives

Financial Accounting course consists of lectures which presents the main topics of financial accounting.
Knowledge and understanding - Knowledge of systematic, chronological and closing accounting records aims to develop in the student ability to understand and interpret double-entry bookkeeping and financial statements in the context of calculating capital and income.
Applying knowledge and understanding - At the end of the course, the student will be able to analyse and understand the accounting records and the financial statements.
Autonomy of judgment - The student must be able, through the interpretation of the data from the double-entry bookkeeping and the financial statements, to express judgments on the company's performance.
Communication skills - The course aims at the acquisition and use of technical terminology relating to double-entry bookkeeping and financial statements.
Ability to learn - The student will develop the ability to learning through study of framework of double-entry bookkeeping and financial statements.

13636 - PUBLIC LAW

Second Semester 8IUS/09ITA

Learning objectives

Course objectives
Knowledge of the main institutes of Italian public law with particular attention to the sources of law, constitutional bodies, fundamental rights, public administration and regional law.

Expected learning outcomes
A) Knowledge and understanding skills
At the end of the course, the student will:
1) understand the basic notions of public and constitutional law, state and legal order and the relationships between the systems;
2) understand the concepts of form of state and form of government with particular attention to the form of Italian government and its evolutions;
3) know the classification and relationship between the sources of law, with particular attention to relations between internal sources and EU sources, and know the main characteristics and ways of forming the sources of Italian law;
4) know the organization of the Italian constitutional system and the relations between the constitutional organs of the Republic;
5) understand the organization of territorial autonomies;
6) understand the constitutional principles of public administration;
7) understand the system and constitutional principles on the administration of justice;
8) know the bmost important characteristics of constitutional control;
9) understand classifications and guarantees regarding fundamental and social rights;
B) Applied knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1) recognize and interpret a normative text;
2) read interpretation of a case law decision;
3) include a text of legal doctrine.
4) find the fundamental texts and jurisprudential texts;
C) Autonomy of judgment
At the end of the course, the student should be able to analyze the normative texts and / or the jurisprudential decisions by arguing on their possible meanings and interpretative hypotheses.
D) Communicative Skills
At the end of the course, the student must be able to expose the knowledge learned in an appropriate and sufficiently technical language, demonstrating the correct use of legal terminology.
E) Learning Skills
At the end of the course the student must be able to carry out legal research on specific topics, obtaining the normative and jurisprudential texts necessary for this purpose.


First Semester 8IUS/01ITA

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding

The first objective is to provide the student with knowledge of the essential legal language of private law, in order to make him express in technical language all the principles and fundamental discipline profiles relating to the institutions covered by the program.

Communication skills

The knowledge of the terminology will allow to develop the first communication skills in legal matters.

Applied knowledge and understanding

The student will also develop the first rudimentary ability to read and understand regulatory texts. This is in fact the only ability to understand the application that the private law exam can give.

Ability to learn

The second objective is to provide the student with a remarkable ability to study, necessary to pass the exam, which can be useful to him in the continuation of his studies and in life.

Judgment autonomy.
During the lessons the teacher will often raise questions about the interests protected and those sacrificed by one or another law and will show that different disciplines are conceivable, which sacrifice the protected interests and protect the sacrificed ones. It will raise doubts, in particular, on norms and principles that receive unanimous adherence in this historical moment. The student will therefore develop the tendency not to accept other people's choices and values uncritically but to always submit every new notion, every theory he comes across and every suggested or imposed hierarchy of values to the examination of his thinking.


First Semester 8SECS-S/03ita

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding
The course aims to introduce the fundamental descriptive and inferential statistical methodologies for the analysis of economic and business data.
Applying knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course the student will be able to: represent and summarise economic and business data through the use of descriptive statistics tools; know the sources and methods for data collection; know some tools for the analysis of the relationships between variables and use these concepts for the study of data in business economics, make decisions under conditions of uncertainty using inferential statistics methods.

Making judgements
At the end of the course the student will be able to independently develop analyses in order to describe, measure, detect and interpret business and economic data for the study of specific situations.

Communication skills
By the end of the course, students will have acquired the basic knowledge to understand the nature and interpret the relationships between the various statistical phenomena in business economics.

Learning skills
At the end of the course the student has the theoretical statistical and applicative knowledge to deal with advanced courses in inferential and multivariate statistics.

119233 - ENGLISH

First Semester 6L-LIN/12ita

Learning objectives

The course is aimed at students who have knowledge of the grammar of the English language at a B1 level and aims to consolidate it and develop linguistic and communication skills at a B1 + level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​- CEFR. At the end of the course the student:
• Understands the main ideas of medium-complexity texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization.
• Is able to interact with a certain fluency and spontaneity which makes natural interaction with native speakers possible.
• Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of topics and explain a point of view on a topic by giving the pros and cons of various options.

Part of the lessons will be dedicated to classroom exercises which involve the use of material compliant with that used for the B1 - B2 international English language certifications.
Finally, part of the course will be dedicated to the analysis of the specific microlanguage.


First Semester 8SECS-S/06ita

Learning objectives

The course is a basic course on the modern finance theory that provides the economic notions and quantitative analysis tools needed to interpret financial phenomena.

The course is in line with the general objective of the course of study to provide economic skills and mathematical-statistical techniques for an adequate understanding of the economic system and the functioning of financial markets. The course, in particular, aims at equipping students with the mathematical tools necessary for understanding financial phenomena.

To learn the basic concepts and tools of modern finance; To know how to formulate and solve basic problems of modern finance.

The student is expected to assimilate the fundamental notions of understanding the functioning of financial markets and of analyzing economic and financial phenomena; to adequately know the main economic and financial phenomena; to be able to correctly set and solve basic problems of modern finance; to be able to communicate effectively on economic and financial issues, using an appropriate technical language.

The course provides students with the knowledge and analytical tools needed to understand the main economic and financial phenomena.

The student must be able to interpret the main economic and financial phenomena. In particular he/she must be able to build models to formulate and solve basic problems of modern finance on all the topics included in the course program.

The student must be able to independently assess the necessary information, to conduct surveys and to set up quantitative analysis of financial phenomena.

The student must be able to communicate effectively on economic and financial issues, using an appropriate technical language. The ability to communicate on a multidisciplinary level on economic-financial and mathematical-statistical topics is, in this respect, the main target of the course.

The student must acquire a significant analytical ability and a well-founded quantitative survey method to be able to deal with subsequent teachings.


Second Semester 8SECS-P/01ITA

Learning objectives

knowledge and understanding: Economics II (microeconomics) is concerned with the workings of markets, industries, and the behavior of firms and consumers .

Applying knowledge and understanding: The aim of this course is to provide students the ability to manage simple mathematical models about both firm's strategic behavior and consumers.

Making Judgements: Students will be able to analyse markets and economic agents behavior in an autonomous and critical way.

Communication skills: Students will be able to represents formally and with mathematical rigor real strategic contexts and problems concerning firm and consumer behavior.

Learning skills: At the end of the course, students will be able to develop and mange simple models to study markets and the strategic behavior of both firms and consumers


Second Semester 8IUS/04ITA

Learning objectives

The object of the course is the achievement, by the student, of a basic but sufficient knowledge concerning the set of instruments at disposal for goimg on the economic activity, having attention for the principal rules related to the various markets where this is possible.
1. knowledge and comprehension: The object is to let the student have a knowledge and comprehension sufficient for the use of the general system of the commercial law.
2. knowledge and applied comprehension: the desire is that the student, at the end of the course, manages the fundamental institutes, also with cases relting with the practice.
3. judgement autonomy: at the end of the course, the student will move free and without prejudice for the solution of the advanced questions.
4. Fluent speech: the object is the student will able to manage the general notions and concepts achieved.
5.achiving capacity: at the end of the couse, the student will be able to increase his achiving capacity regarding the rules of law.


Second Semester 8SECS-P/11ita

Learning objectives

The objective of the course is to deliver basic knowledge about markets, instruments, financial intermediaries and supervisors. The set of elements that constitute the financial system and the regulatory and supervisory system that characterizes it, particularly at the European level, will be analyzed. The central part of the Course is devoted to an analysis of the technical characteristics and economic and management profiles of financial instruments and payment services. In this area, suitable keys will be provided to be able to describe the characteristics and functions of the main financial instruments and services and their markets. The different types of financial intermediaries will then be analyzed from both an operational and managerial perspective, with particular attention to the risks they bear. Additional learning objectives of the course are to define a set of competencies and skills aimed at identifying and assessing the relationships between the functions of use of financial instruments and the needs of customers; to discuss the economic-managerial reasons and regulatory constraints underlying the choices of specialization of financial activity; and finally to use the knowledge acquired to distinguish operating logics and management balances of the different categories of financial intermediaries. Below is also a summary of the training objectives and details of the learning outcomes following the outline of the Dublin descriptors: 1) Knowledge and understanding; The learning objectives and related learning outcomes are such that students are able to develop and/or apply ideas typical of a research context related to the issues of Financial Intermediaries' behavior. 2) Applied knowledge and understanding (applying knowledge and understanding); The learning objectives and related learning outcomes are such that students are able to use the knowledge learned to solve novel issues with reference to identifying appropriate financing and investment solutions. 3) Autonomy of judgment (making judgements); The learning objectives and related learning outcomes are such that students are able to make judgments on the basis of even a limited information set and to make assessments also taking into account criteria of social responsibility. 4) Communication skills (communication skills); The training objectives and the related learning outcomes are such that students are able to represent their knowledge, related to the issues of banking intermediation, to an audience of specialist and non-specialist interlocutors 5) Learning skills (learning skills). The training objectives and related learning outcomes are aimed at first developing and secondly assessing an autonomous learning ability of students. This autonomous learning ability is particularly solicited through the co-faculty's proportion of articles and case studies related to the topics of financial markets and Institutional Investors.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

"The course enables students to acquire knowledge on the methods of measuring and quantifying socio-demographic phenomena as a knowledge tool to support decision-making, to define and interpret subjective and objective indicators, and to know how to carry out all the phases of a quantitative survey.
The exercises will be carried out on real data with the aid of ad hoc statistical software (I-ranker, google form,..) and will enable students to apply the knowledge acquired. During the course, the methodologies adopted in surveys carried out by ISTAT or other bodies producing official statistics will be analysed."


First Semester 8SECS-P/07ITA

Learning objectives

"The aim of the course is to raise awareness of the role of ""Planning and Management Control"" within the enterprise system.
After highlighting the links between planning and strategic planning, the course will focus on the management control process and the tools it employs. The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of the most innovative tools for the management to control the company.
In particular, we will take care of the process of developing the company's budget, analyzing costs for decision-making purposes, and reporting.
Each topic will be accompanied by the presentation of numerous business cases and group discussions.

1) Knowledge understanding: to know the main issues and tools of business planning and control.
2) Applied knowledge and understanding: to know and be able to apply the acquired knowledge to different business realities.
3) Making judgement: to be able to evaluate and express judgements on the dynamics of planning and control and company cost analysis.
4) Communication skills: to be able to communicate, debate and critically comment on what has been learnt in the classroom through cross-cutting links between different topics.
5) Learning skills: ability to understand and use the notions acquired, integrating them also with the notions learned in other courses, in order to appreciate the transversality of some programming and control competences."


First Semester 8SECS-P/08ita

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students with all the knowledge about the company and its components and how they can be managed in order to reach and maintain the competitive advantage through satisfying performances. It also focuses on how value is created and on value co-creation with external partners which is increasingly important for firm success above all with reference to the company's main function – innovation; these are central themes for the survival of enterprise.

1) Knowledge and understanding
Understand the core areas of business management, understand the interrelations and the possible consequences for its performance, under different profiles: innovation, profits, etc.

2) Applying knowledge and understanding
Learning basic business logic to understand how firm works and how it evolves over time in changing contexts and environments.

3) Making judgements
Know how to identify the core areas of the business and how they relate to each other to create and maintain the competitive advantage.

4) Communication skills
To be able to explain in the appropriate language the most suited strategies and business policies.

5) Learning skills
Successful learning condition is the ability to read the decisions taken in the internal and external contexts of the enterprise and to evaluate its impact on the company's results at various levels, also looking at not successful alternatives.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

"Ability to learn

Students will therefore discover the role of doctrine and jurisprudence and will begin to learn how to resolve legal issues.

Judgment autonomy.

Furthermore, the matter of atypical contracts is one of the most ideological of private law, both because atypical contracts express the newest needs of big capital, and because not being regulated, the judge and the jurist must evaluate the legitimacy and worthiness of clauses which are all prepared and imposed by the economically stronger party, even if these are often contracts stipulated between companies. Students will therefore also discover in what forms and to what extent ideologies affect doctrinal and jurisprudential orientations. This is the educational purpose from a cultural point of view.

Applied knowledge and understanding skills

Finally, the course aims to acquaint students with the discipline of some very important atypical contracts and the problems of validity and worthiness that these contracts pose and therefore to provide very useful notions for the world of work. And this is the practical purpose.

Communication skills
The student will deepen the knowledge of legal terminology, combining the language of law with the language of doctrine and jurisprudence.


Learning objectives

1) The management: strategic management; global competitiveness; the socio-economic and technological; resources and competitive advantage; strategies for entrepreneurship and innovation.
2) Technologies: new technologies and their impact on economic, social and environmental; applications of new technologies to the production processes; technology and organization of production: from Taylorism to Fordism to Toyotism; organizational models.
3) Technological innovation: the origins of technological innovation; sources of innovation; forms and models of innovation; technology cycles; strategic innovation.
4) The production processes: the production process; the types of production processes; productivity; logical push and pull; Just in Time; lean production; models of production management and human resources.
5) Quality: definition of quality; history of quality; from control to quality management; the principles of quality; quality certification; quality, environment, safety
Expected learning outcomes
1) Knowledge and understanding skills.
Understand the strategic success factors of a company (quality and innovation), the organization of an firm in terms of production processes and the technological innovation applied.
2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding.
Learning elementary tools to judge the efficiency and effectiveness of a business system, its production processes, and quality-oriented strategies and technological innovation.
3) Autonomy of judgment.
Know how to identify Key Business Success Factors and know how to apply these factors in all firms, both product and service sectors.
4) Communication Skills.
Ability to communicate knowledge gained.
5) Learning Skills.
Ability to transfer knowledge gained through case study application.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

"1) Knowledge and understanding; The course provides students with the basic knowledge of basic economic and monetary policy;
2) Applying knowledge and understanding; the student at the end of the course will be able to read an economic policy paper and understand its contents.
3) Autonomy of judgment (making judgments); the students are encouraged to improve their preparation through active participation in the courses
4) Communication skills; textbooks, papers and in-depth videos are used to improve communication skills
5) Ability to learn (learning skills); the detailed program of the course is shared with the students during the first lesson."

18557 - M

Second Semester 8SECS-S/03ita

Learning objectives

The course in Statistical Methods for Economic Analysis aims to provide students with a solid understanding of fundamental statistical principles and their applications in economics and business contexts. The educational objectives include acquiring skills in analyzing and interpreting economic and business data using appropriate statistical techniques. Students also learn to use common statistical software to conduct analyses and present results clearly and accurately. Additionally, the course aims to help students understand the practical applications of statistical methods in the business economics field, preparing them for both further advanced studies and entry into the workforce, where statistical skills are often required for market analysis, financial forecasting, and business decision-making. In essence, the course equips students with the necessary tools to tackle analytical challenges and interpret economic data competently and insightfully.


Second Semester 4ita

Second Semester 8IUS/04ita

Learning objectives

The object of the course is the achivement by the student of a basic but sufficient knowledge of the bank organization and the main contracts with which it creates its relations with the clients.
1. knowledge and comprehension: The object is to let the student have a knowledge and comprehension sufficient for the use of the general system of the banking law.
2. knowledge and applied comprehension: the desire is that the student, at the end of the course, manages the fundamental institutes, also with cases relting with the practice.
3. judgement autonomy: at the end of the course, the student will move free and without prejudice for the solution of the advanced questions.
4. Fluent speech: the object is the student will able to manage the general notions and concepts achieved.
5.achiving capacity: at the end of the couse, the student will be able to increase his achiving capacity regarding the rules of law.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

The course deals with the main aspects related to the management of natural resources and energy resources.
Particular attention is paid to the general aspects of sustainability and sustainable development paradigms, to the use of renewable and non-renewable resources, as well as to the reference market.
Therefore, the expected learning outcomes are:
Knowledge and understanding:
The student will have acquired the knowledge and the ability to understand the fundamental principles related to the management of raw materials, natural and energy resources
Application of knowledge
The student will be able to use knowledge to understand the systems and interconnections between the concepts of commodities, natural and energy resources and their associated use value and market dynamics.
Ability to draw conclusions
The student will be able to evaluate the use and exchange of raw materials in the international context
He will have the ability to analyze the dynamics of the international MP market with respect to the main resources available.
Communication skills
The student will be able to describe and hold conversations on production contexts and the strategic use of raw materials and energy resources.
Ability to learn
The student will be able to adequately use the knowledge acquired for the study, market analysis, and will be able to understand the implications of the scarcity of resources.


Learning objectives

The course of economics and policy of European integration aims to evaluate, on the basis of the knowledge of the mechanisms of the market economy, the justifications, the objectives, the criteria and the tools that have guided the long and difficult process of European integration. The course therefore aims to provide some tools that can help students to understand the role of the new European subject, both in influencing the national policies of member countries, as in expressing common policies.

Dublin Descriptors
The course aims to provide basic theoretical and methodological knowledge in order to allow the student to understand independently on the basis of knowledge of the mechanisms of the market economy, the justifications, objectives, criteria and tools they have led the long and troubled process of European integration. This knowledge will be acquired mainly through lectures, the reading of targeted texts and participation in thematic in-depth seminars.

The student must be able to apply the methodological and theoretical knowledge acquired, thus acquiring the ability: a) to evaluate the assumptions of the policies implemented at the European level and; b) to formulate, on the basis of the incentive structure offered by the market and policies, innovative projects in processes and products. These specific skills will be developed above all through the examination of strategic documents, statistical data and the debate in the classroom.

The autonomy of judgment will derive from the technical mastery of the tools, and from the understanding of the reasons that make different approaches bearer of different solutions in different contexts. This is built through lessons that encourage reasoned discussion with students and group work that stimulates discussion.

The student should acquire the ability to expose and present the problems and topics covered by the course with mastery of language and adequate analytical skills. The exercises focused on critical reading and interpretation of official documents and statistical data will aim precisely at implementing this skill.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

Provide adequate knowledge of Italian and European Union public finance, regarding public debt, taxation policies, and public spending.

Learning objectives

"The course enables students to acquire knowledge on the methods of measuring and quantifying socio-demographic phenomena as a knowledge tool to support decision-making, to define and interpret subjective and objective indicators, and to know how to carry out all the phases of a quantitative survey.
The exercises will be carried out on real data with the aid of ad hoc statistical software (I-ranker, google form,..) and will enable students to apply the knowledge acquired. During the course, the methodologies adopted in surveys carried out by ISTAT or other bodies producing official statistics will be analysed."

Learning objectives

"Ability to learn

Students will therefore discover the role of doctrine and jurisprudence and will begin to learn how to resolve legal issues.

Judgment autonomy.

Furthermore, the matter of atypical contracts is one of the most ideological of private law, both because atypical contracts express the newest needs of big capital, and because not being regulated, the judge and the jurist must evaluate the legitimacy and worthiness of clauses which are all prepared and imposed by the economically stronger party, even if these are often contracts stipulated between companies. Students will therefore also discover in what forms and to what extent ideologies affect doctrinal and jurisprudential orientations. This is the educational purpose from a cultural point of view.

Applied knowledge and understanding skills

Finally, the course aims to acquaint students with the discipline of some very important atypical contracts and the problems of validity and worthiness that these contracts pose and therefore to provide very useful notions for the world of work. And this is the practical purpose.

Communication skills
The student will deepen the knowledge of legal terminology, combining the language of law with the language of doctrine and jurisprudence.

Learning objectives

1) The management: strategic management; global competitiveness; the socio-economic and technological; resources and competitive advantage; strategies for entrepreneurship and innovation.
2) Technologies: new technologies and their impact on economic, social and environmental; applications of new technologies to the production processes; technology and organization of production: from Taylorism to Fordism to Toyotism; organizational models.
3) Technological innovation: the origins of technological innovation; sources of innovation; forms and models of innovation; technology cycles; strategic innovation.
4) The production processes: the production process; the types of production processes; productivity; logical push and pull; Just in Time; lean production; models of production management and human resources.
5) Quality: definition of quality; history of quality; from control to quality management; the principles of quality; quality certification; quality, environment, safety
Expected learning outcomes
1) Knowledge and understanding skills.
Understand the strategic success factors of a company (quality and innovation), the organization of an firm in terms of production processes and the technological innovation applied.
2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding.
Learning elementary tools to judge the efficiency and effectiveness of a business system, its production processes, and quality-oriented strategies and technological innovation.
3) Autonomy of judgment.
Know how to identify Key Business Success Factors and know how to apply these factors in all firms, both product and service sectors.
4) Communication Skills.
Ability to communicate knowledge gained.
5) Learning Skills.
Ability to transfer knowledge gained through case study application.

Learning objectives

The course deals with the main aspects related to the management of natural resources and energy resources.
Particular attention is paid to the general aspects of sustainability and sustainable development paradigms, to the use of renewable and non-renewable resources, as well as to the reference market.
Therefore, the expected learning outcomes are:
Knowledge and understanding:
The student will have acquired the knowledge and the ability to understand the fundamental principles related to the management of raw materials, natural and energy resources
Application of knowledge
The student will be able to use knowledge to understand the systems and interconnections between the concepts of commodities, natural and energy resources and their associated use value and market dynamics.
Ability to draw conclusions
The student will be able to evaluate the use and exchange of raw materials in the international context
He will have the ability to analyze the dynamics of the international MP market with respect to the main resources available.
Communication skills
The student will be able to describe and hold conversations on production contexts and the strategic use of raw materials and energy resources.
Ability to learn
The student will be able to adequately use the knowledge acquired for the study, market analysis, and will be able to understand the implications of the scarcity of resources.

Learning objectives

The course of economics and policy of European integration aims to evaluate, on the basis of the knowledge of the mechanisms of the market economy, the justifications, the objectives, the criteria and the tools that have guided the long and difficult process of European integration. The course therefore aims to provide some tools that can help students to understand the role of the new European subject, both in influencing the national policies of member countries, as in expressing common policies.

Dublin Descriptors
The course aims to provide basic theoretical and methodological knowledge in order to allow the student to understand independently on the basis of knowledge of the mechanisms of the market economy, the justifications, objectives, criteria and tools they have led the long and troubled process of European integration. This knowledge will be acquired mainly through lectures, the reading of targeted texts and participation in thematic in-depth seminars.

The student must be able to apply the methodological and theoretical knowledge acquired, thus acquiring the ability: a) to evaluate the assumptions of the policies implemented at the European level and; b) to formulate, on the basis of the incentive structure offered by the market and policies, innovative projects in processes and products. These specific skills will be developed above all through the examination of strategic documents, statistical data and the debate in the classroom.

The autonomy of judgment will derive from the technical mastery of the tools, and from the understanding of the reasons that make different approaches bearer of different solutions in different contexts. This is built through lessons that encourage reasoned discussion with students and group work that stimulates discussion.

The student should acquire the ability to expose and present the problems and topics covered by the course with mastery of language and adequate analytical skills. The exercises focused on critical reading and interpretation of official documents and statistical data will aim precisely at implementing this skill.

Learning objectives

"1) Knowledge and understanding; The course provides students with the basic knowledge of basic economic and monetary policy;
2) Applying knowledge and understanding; the student at the end of the course will be able to read an economic policy paper and understand its contents.
3) Autonomy of judgment (making judgments); the students are encouraged to improve their preparation through active participation in the courses
4) Communication skills; textbooks, papers and in-depth videos are used to improve communication skills
5) Ability to learn (learning skills); the detailed program of the course is shared with the students during the first lesson."

Learning objectives

Provide adequate knowledge of Italian and European Union public finance, regarding public debt, taxation policies, and public spending.

Learning objectives

The course aims at providing the fundamentals to analyse and design organizational structures and their way of operating, also considering the change fostered by technological innovation.
The course aims at achieving skills to manage organizations, of any nature and even complex, and at facilitating further progresses.

Knowledge and understanding:
• Students will acquire the basic knowledge and theoretical and methodological foundations to interpret organizations, also adopting an empirical perspective, through the investigation of real contexts in the light of their characteristics.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
• Students will be able to apply in real organizational contexts the acquired methodological and theoretical knowledge, also through the development of a group project in which they will be prompted to make decisions while drawing a plan for progressing the management practices of an organization of their choice. They will be acquainted with the perspectives of technological innovation and their impacts on organizations.

Learning objectives

The course aims to introduce students to customs and port regulations, raising awareness of less traditional subjects and areas of significant development, also linking to commercial and union law. The course also encourages the analysis of practical cases, with the aim of aiding understanding of the issues and consolidating learning.

Learning objectives

The course aims to offer students a broad overview of the history of the economic systems of trade and international economic relations over the long term, from antiquity to the contemporary age. The aim of the course is to provide students with the historical skills to interpret the genealogy and evolution of current complex phenomena related to globalization and international trade.
The expected learning outcomes for teaching "History and Culture of International trade" concern:
1) Knowledge and understanding:
The candidate must acquire knowledge and understanding of the major evolutionary stages of international trade and the characteristics that define economic systems.
2) Applying knowledge and understanding:
The candidate must demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the analysis of historical-economic techniques and language.
3) Making judgements:
The candidate must demonstrate the ability to critically elaborate the contents introduced and discussed in class, developing the topics of the course in a critical and autonomous way also in relation to the analysis of current events.

Learning objectives

"The course aims to educate students to understand the complex relationships between natural resources and economic activities. To impart the necessary knowledge while simultaneously developing a strong critical spirit, the course addresses the historical, cultural, and epistemological aspects of economic doctrines, with particular reference to the consideration of the environmental dimension.

To enable the application of the concepts covered, case studies are discussed, and a brief report on a topic chosen by the students is developed.

The course also aims to educate students to clearly present the concepts underlying the relationships between human activities and ecosystems, with particular reference to the different definitions of sustainability.

The course also seeks to encourage students to independently delve deeper into some of the topics covered, especially those that are more current, through a series of recommended additional readings and the discussion of cases related to their personal experience."

Learning objectives

The course aims in providing operational management plans both from the perspective of lean techniques and for a strategic vision of the technologies necessary for the production processes of goods and services.
Specifically: knowledge and understanding of the basics of manufacturing and industrial processes and services and Operation Management, applying knowledge and understanding of different kinds of processes and scheduling. making judgments and critical analysis of the studied subjects. communication skills in presenting projects and subjects of the class. learning skills of the basic principles of the methods and techniques of the topics covered by the course.

Learning objectives

"1. Knowledge and understanding of the tools of the business planning and control system;
2. Knowledge and understanding applied to management accounting as a tool of the planning and control system;
3. Autonomy of judgment regarding management accounting techniques supporting management control;
4. Communication skills of the main terms and techniques of the planning and control process, with particular reference to cost accounting;
5. Ability to learn methodologies and techniques for processing and analyzing management control reports."

Learning objectives

The course aims to illustrate to the student the general characteristics of the “universal” company and the public administration. It is proposed, in particular, to identify the organizational and management logics of public administration, analyzing the main change processes that have involved the whole public administration in recent years.
Dublin Descriptors:
a) KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: knowledge and understanding of the concept of "universal" company and public company.
b) APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: ability to apply the knowledge acquired and to understand and solve problems relating to the management and accounting and budget information system of companies and public administrations (with particular reference to local authorities).
c) MAKING JUDGEMENTS: ability to use the acquired knowledge on a conceptual and operational level with autonomous assessment skills and skills in the various application contexts.
d) COMMUNICATION SKILLS: acquire clear and effective communication skills, thanks to technical language typical of the discipline
e) LEARNING SKILLS: acquire adequate learning skills that allow you to independently address and deepen the main issues of the discipline. This ability will be developed through the active involvement of students through discussions in the classroom and exercises on specific topics related to the course.

MODULE II -16 - -
119993 - STATISTICS FOR SOCIAL SCIENCESSecond Year / Second Semester 8SECS-S/05eng
13793 - CONTRACT LAWThird Year / First Semester 8IUS/01ita
17067 - TECNOLOGIA, INNOVAZIONE, QUALITA'Third Year / First Semester 8SECS-P/13ita
13765 - RAW MATERIALS AND ENERGY RESOURCESThird Year / Second Semester 8SECS-P/13ita
18554 - EUROPEAN INTEGRATION ECONOMY AND POLICYThird Year / Second Semester 8AGR/01ita
MODULE II -8 - -
13758 - POLITICAL ECONOMICSThird Year / First Semester 8SECS-P/02ita
15783 - SCIENCE IN FINANCEThird Year / Second Semester 8SECS-P/03ita
MODULE II -8 - -
17922 - BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThird Year / First Semester 8SECS-P/10ita
119994 - Third Year / First Semester 8IUS/04ita
18551 - SThird Year / Second Semester 8M-STO/04ita
18566 - EThird Year / Second Semester 8AGR/01ita
MODULE II -8 - -
15782 - PRODUCTION ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENTThird Year / First Semester 8SECS-P/13ita
13761 - COST ANALISYS AND ACCOUNTINGThird Year / First Semester 8SECS-P/07ita