
Technologies for the sustainable management of livestock systems (LP-02_Livestock sector)

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  • Headquarter

    Viterbo, Campus Riello, Via San Camillo De Lellis, s.n.c.

  • Department

    Agriculture and Forest Sciences

  • Language


  • Course lenght

    3 years

  • Admission

    Selective entrance test (20 positions available)

The Professionalizing Bachelor’s degree Course in Technologies for the sustainable management of livestock systems (TecZoo) lasts three years and it is conceived to train expert technicians capable of managing specific technical/professional activities relating to the livestock systems.

In order to be admitted to this three-year Bachelor degree course, it is necessary to have a high school graduation or equivalent certification. The yearly admission is limited to 20 positions and the entrance is allowed after passing a selective test.

The employment outlets are those related to the required qualified technicians of: a) Medium-large size
farms in charge of: coordinating the barn staff; managing the company’s equipment and plants; managing the safety, quality and traceability plans; b) Production and genetic improvement associations for the management of technical assistance plans for livestock farms; c) Feed and supplements industries, mechanical and other industries for the supply of equipment related to the technical assistance; d) Dairies and other processing industries of products of animal origin for the coordination of production processes and quality control plans, process and product development, business development.

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  • Learning objectives

    The Professionalizing Bachelor’s degree Course in ‘Technician expert in the sustainable management of livestock systems (TecZoo)’ aims to train expert technicians capable of managing specific technical/professional activities relating to the livestock systems. Young graduates will acquire knowledge on: agro-zootechnical systems; methods for technical assistance in agro-zootechnical production chains; innovative technologies applied to livestock production, quality, and safety of animal food products. Finally, the trained professional figure must be able to assess the impact of farming in terms of environmental sustainability and job safety in the livestock sector.

  • Career opportunities

    Qualified technician of: a) Medium-large size farms in charge of: coordinating the barn staff; managing the company’s equipment and plants; managing the safety, quality and traceability plans; b) Production and genetic improvement associations for the management of technical assistance plans for livestock farms; c) Feed and supplements industries, mechanical and other industries for the supply of equipment related to technical assistance; d) Dairies and other processing industries of products of animal origin for the coordination of production processes and quality control plans, process and product development, business development.

  • Further education

    The degree does not allow enrollment in the Master’s Degree

  • Further information

    The professionalizing degree ‘Agricultural, food and forestry technical professions (LP-02)’ enables the exercise of the professions of graduate agricultural technician and graduate agricultural expert and allows enrollment in the National College of Graduated Agrotechnical and Agricultural Technicians.

  • Download the Brochure

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