Techniques for Bio-construction

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  • Location

    Campus Riello Largo dell’Università Viterbo

  • Department

    Economics, Engineering, Society, and Business

  • Language


  • Duration

    3 years

  • Admission

    Local programming course with a programmed number of enrollments set at 40. To enroll in the first year of the course, it is necessary to pass the admission test aimed at assessing the student's basic aptitude and preparation in logic, mathematics, and verbal comprehension.

The professional orientation Bachelor’s Degree program in Techniques for Bio-construction, in the L-P01 – Professional Orientation Degree Class in Technical Professions for Building and Territory, aims to train a versatile graduate technician in the field of construction and civil and rural infrastructure, with particular attention to bio-construction and sustainable building design.

The program includes the provision of basic and characterizing activities in the areas of topography and geomatics, value estimation, drawing and representation, architectural composition, science and technology of constructions, legal-administrative management. These activities meet the requirements set by Ministerial Decree 446/220 of the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) for the preparation of graduated surveyors and graduated industrial construction experts.

Educational Path

Educational Path

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  • Educational Objectives

    The aim is to train a versatile graduate technician in the field of construction and civil and rural infrastructure, with particular attention to bio-construction and sustainable building design, unique themes that differentiate the new study program from existing ones both at the regional and national levels. In particular, graduates must:

    • Have a preparation in basic disciplines specifically aimed at enabling them to acquire an adequate understanding of the phases underlying the processes of design, construction, and management of civil, rural, and territorial works and infrastructures;


    • Have adequate preparation in the applicable reference disciplines and a consolidated baggage of operational knowledge essential for operating independently in areas such as: activities based on the use of digital methodologies to support urban/architectural planning and design; support activities for monitoring and diagnostics of structures, infrastructures, and territories as well as ancillary systems; activities related to the management and updating of databases: cadastral, safety in the management of construction sites and workplaces, with the drafting of practices for design and execution; analysis and monitoring activities aimed at energy efficiency, energy certification, and certification of sustainability and healthiness of environments; drafting of building practices, technical specifications, maintenance plans, technical drawings, and forensic technical consulting activities; design, construction management, and supervision of structural, distribution, and plant aspects related to constructions.


    • Have adequate knowledge of aspects concerning technical and economic feasibility, cost calculation, as well as the production and realization process of building works, ancillary systems, and territorial transformations with their functional elements.
  • Career Opportunities

    The main employment opportunities provided by the professional orientation Bachelor’s Degree program in Techniques for Bio-construction are:

    • Freelance activities and consultancy in various fields, both public and private, including public institutions and entities, design studios and companies, and businesses operating in the field of industrial design or in any sectors that require specific project-related skills;
    • Employment in engineering, architecture, legal, and economic-commercial firms, as well as private companies operating in the construction of buildings and civil and rural infrastructure, real estate management, and land management;
    • Technical roles in public administrations.
  • Further Education

    The professional orientation degree classes, including the L-P01 class – Technical Professions for Building and Territory, are strongly focused on preparing technicians whose natural outlet is the profession rather than continuation in master’s degree courses. The course enables the professional qualification of the technician, who can subsequently enroll in the Register of Surveyors or the Single Register of Industrial Experts, depending on the chosen path within the course.

  • Additional Information

    The organization of the teaching activities envisages, in the first year, the delivery of basic courses (mathematics, physics, and chemistry) and characterizing activities (topography and geomatics, estimation, drawing and representation, architectural composition, science and technology of constructions, legal-administrative management, and electrical and thermotechnical systems). To broaden the student’s interdisciplinary cultural education, topics related to energy efficiency and environmental parameter monitoring are also covered.

    In the second year, technical aspects covered previously are further explored through laboratory activities related to digital modeling and Building Information Management (BIM), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), cadastral estimation, architectural and systems design, environmental monitoring, and environmental impact certification and evaluation from a life cycle perspective, for a total of 48 CFUs.

    The third year of the course will be almost entirely dedicated to curricular internship activities, totaling 48 CFUs, to be carried out in companies, professional firms, public administrations, public or private entities (including the Order of Engineers, Surveyors, National Association of Building Constructors (ANCE), Engineering and Architecture studios). Specific agreements will be activated for the execution of internship activities between these entities, with the identification of internal tutoring figures within the hosting structures for the students.

    At the end of the course of study, in addition to the thesis defense, it will be possible to take the professional qualification exams for recognition as a Surveyor and Industrial Construction Expert.

    Premium contributions of €800 are foreseen as incentives for the enrollment of deserving students. Details will be available shortly.

  • Brochure

    Click here to download the brochure.

  • Course Contacts

    Engineering and Design courses President
    Prof. Stefano Rossi

    Orientation Officer
    Dott. Gianluca Rubino

    Didactic Secretariat

    0761 357169

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  • the schedule of classes;
  • useful contacts;
  • details and news about the teaching activities;

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Teaching provided

Teaching provided

Percorso formativo erogato


Class Schedule


Dates and deadlines

Final exam session


Academic Calendar

Exam session



Didactic secretariat
